OGSA session 5 ============== 30 January 2007 Introduction ============ - Andrew Grimshaw introduces the audience to the topic and session gals - Andrew presents his proposal on tackling workflow: WFDL (WorkFlow Description Language) Open Discussion =============== - At the very least inter-job dependdencies are necessary -- Usually Job A creates something that Job B needs so that Job B must run after Job A hass finished -- Job A may assert a resource into the system that models its outcome -- Job B lists that very resource in its requirements that must be satisfied for Job B to run - Workflows are often similar, or can be seen as programming models for the Grid -- This would be out of scope for OGSA - The reference model may be a place to look at for help and information - Real Grid applications need to be addressed, noot just a Grid-ified 'hello world' - Co-scheduling is certainly out of scope (as this would be a programming model) - Requirements and modelling sessions may be required - Unicore features pretty much the same unwritten requirements set, just encode in Java - Is workflow in its first simplisting incarnation a language/mechanism to express workflow comsumed by human beings? - How to layer existing workflows onto OGSA - 3 initial big choices: a) should we stay away? -- If not, should we b) collaborate with existing workflow standards bodies, c) spin off alone - straw man draw on alternative a) pro: 0 con: uncounted majority of the audience - Three posible tracks to follow from now on: 1) How to layer existing WFs ontop of existing OGF specs 2) Change JSDL, BES, RSS etc to spport workflow 3) Interop/collaborate with existing workflow standards bodies - Diffferentiate between -- workflow description language, and -- workflow enactment framework - Somebody should extend OGSA EMS arch to fulfil the "60% coverage" case - Volunteers for the three tracks (see above): -- Track 1: --- OMII UK --- IBM (Fabio Benedetti) --- Imperial College (Steve McGough) (lead) --- Cardiff University -- Track 2: --- UVa (Mark Morgan) --- FLE (Michel Drescher) (lead) --- UoM (Donal Fellows) -- Track 3: --- delay until 1 and 2 are done - Suggestion on number 2 -- have phone confeerences and presentations -- scope guidance needed -- use cases and workflows needed - Suggestion on number 1 -- gridworkflow.org Scoping track 2 =============== - Notion of producing a resource at a location as outcome - Explicit data movement jobs in the "input workflow" is out of scope Any other business ================== - The SAGA-RG and SAGA core WG would like to be kept informed on the progress about Workflow