* OGSA and OGF Reference Model ============================== Presentation (by Hiro Kishimoto) ** p6: Rendering using standards? - Extend using UML - Represent the set of objects more formally; not just 'depends' relationship but also 'interacts'; etc - Tools for this constructing representation? some exist for parts or specific purposes; incomplete. ** p9-onwards: job state model - Main difference whether one can tell which states have been through - Why a base+extensions and not a general+specialization - in certain cases the second might generate events that have no meaning - (BES issues to be discussed in BES session) ** p15 General comment; overall, OGF models seem to have some more refined states but do seem to be in broad agreement ** p17: skip (Tom Maguire is not present) ** p18: Need to look into existing work; a lot done by telcos etc [In data centers] it is not so clear-cut nowadays since intergration may be part of operations; the barrier is not as clear (as it used to be) ** [skip glossary; Jem Treadwell is not present] ** p21: Should this be called OGF Reference Model? Decided to put off what to name the model as part of the document work; title changed to "Reconciling ..." Dave Snelling volunteered to be co-editor for this document (in addition to Hiro Kishimoto and Paul Strong) * OGSA-WG General Session ========================= ** Document schedule Updated by Hiro inline (Info model process discussion: ordering of documents and how to move forward and define xml schemas/documents. GLUE and BES models as input and have to move forward. Wiki proposed as a mechanism; to be discussed in later session this OGF) Hiro to add authentication profile as one deliverable ** Design team review Updates by Hiro inline ** March F2F ** Final selection: ** March 14 (Wednesday, 9am) - 16 (Friday, noon), @Redwood city ** New call structure Explained and agreed to new structure of one topic per slot and slots being independent. Will start after OGF19. - Include specific topic AI review into that topic's slot - Keep general actions into Logistics slot Schedule proposal to be uploaded to gridforge by Hiro