OGSA Security session ===================== OGF-19, Chapel Hill, NC Introduction ============ - Andrew Grimshaw welcomes the audience and outlines the sessions agenda - Andrew introduces the session's topic Alan Sill, TTU ============== - Andrew introcudes the audience to his view on security - Goals should be -- immediate (short term) goals for OGSA -- Reach an understanding how to refer to OGSA security in related documents - OGSA Security is a subset of OGF Security Ares - OGSA Security lives within the context of OGSA - Marty Hmphrey (OGSA-HPCP) insists that HPCP does not conflict with OGSA security profiles - Andrew points out that being compliant wooth OGSA does not exist per se -- Instead, it is compliance with a set or, for that matter, a subset of OGSA profiles Open discussion =============== - The group discusses openly the issues around OGSA security - A plethora of groups and standards (e.g. on levels of assurance) are already available - how is the expected reference and collaboration with those groups? - The Grid may be in the situation noow the Internet has been earlier in that we need something that *every* Grid must implement in terms of security even if insecure (refer to telnet and Internet) - Instantiation of an activity on BES needs the relevant security information attached as annotations in some form. -- There are examples of existing solutions that allow any security framework be orthogonally attached to the guarded service - The biggest rub with shortterm goals is the missing definition and notion of delegation - Is a Standards body such as OGF or for that matter, OGSA, an appropriate place to define seccurity protocols? - Should OGSA rather provide a framework where one can plug in security mechanisms as appropriate and required by the implemented requirements? - Regardless whether computational or data grids, security has the identical scope Action Items ============ - Develop basic, short-term use-cases || MUST manage scope creep (Andrew Grimshaw) - Develop profile to supprt use-cases || MUST manage scope creep (Andrew Grimshaw) - Refine profile for username/password in OGSA context (Alan Sill) - Complete OGSA-AuthN roadmap (Alan Sill) - Glossary - Develop richer use-cases and extract requirements (Hiro Kishimoto) -