2004-06-07 GGF11 DFDL-WG Session 1 Status Review The slide presentation was not interrupted by many questions. When we reached the end a lively discussion occurred. Topics included: * As expected many of the questions dealt with the data formats that aren't discussed in the primer. E.g., stored lengths were raised by someone familiar with a medical image standard format that uses lots of stored length representations. Null values were raised, i.e., can DFDL handle them and roughly what would it be like. * Some exploration around the limits of expressive power occurred. That is, what can't be described in DFDL. Mike Beckerle made the point that it might not be possible to describe XML data using DFDL because of the complexity of the namespace stuff in the parsing of XML. That is, such a system amounts to reinventing an XML parser in DFDL, and there would be no real point in that. However, if it's not even possible to do it we want to know why, and we may or may not be happy with that limitation. * The point was made that we seem to be trying to put everything onto the type definitions of XSD, and perhaps we don't need to or shouldn't push everything onto the type definitions. * Layered/Nested representations were raised. That is, how to handle when there is a structured type (a group), but the representation is somewhat different from it. Not alot different, but somewhat different. E.g., a group containing 2 int fields logically, but their representation is as shorts or bytes. * What are the difficulties with XML/XSD? Tried to defer this to wednesday, but some people wanted to know what the discussion would be about, so we pulled out a slide for wednesday listing the topics. * Jim Meyers made the point that DFDL will be very popular because it will free people from having to use more complex API-based data representations in order to share data. Instead they can do what is easiest and most expedient for them in the short term, knowing that the data they're creating can be described in DFDL for subsequent users longer term. * Guy Rixon asked about an API for accessing DFDL described data. We discussed that XML-ish APIs would of course be possible, then we discussed something more like the SDO specification which has recently come out from IBM/BEA.