GGF13 Application Contents Service (ACS) session #2 Date and Time: Mar. 16, 2005, 11:00 - 12:30 Place: Lotte Hotel Onyx Room Lead: Keisuke Fukui (Fujitsu) Notes: Sachiko Wada (Ascade) ** Agenda - Opening salutation Introduction & note takers - Review of the fist session. - Use cases and visions "Installable Unit Deployment Descriptor" by Thomas Studwell (IBM) * "Installable Unit Deployment Descriptor" The outline and current status were presented by Thomas Studwell. Below questions and answered were exchanged during the presentation. Q. Do you have any plan to go inside the install artifact? A. No. The artifact is the one which is referenced from the IU and SI(IUDD) activity do not go inside itself. Q. Do you think you can have platform-neutral install artifacts? A. Currently it is assumed that the artifact itself is platform specific. A comment from Keisuke: Requirements for IUDD are very similar to those for ACS, which is expected to be a single standard for software installation. We hope Grid-specific features will be considered in the future IUDD standardization. Q. Are you going to plan for refactoring current IUDD spec? A. Yes. We are going to submit IUDD spec to a formal workgroup and develop a totally new spec. The new workgroup will consider all of the industry requirements. I expect that CDDLM, ACS, and any other interested workgroups that need standard deployment descriptor to share the specification. I expect contributions both from implementation perspective from the participants. * ACS specification The strawman specification is introduced to show what we have today. We are going to have a single document that specify the ACS, as a WG draft after the WG discussion by the GGF14 in June. - table of contents - goals and non-goals * Wrap up A tentative roadmap is shown and agreed to discuss about how we proceed our activity through either e-mails, tele-conferences and/or face-to-face meetings.