GGF13 Application Contents Service (ACS) session #1 Date and Time: Mar. 14, 2005, 13:00 - 14:30 Place: Lotte Hotel Emerald Room 3 Lead: Keisuke Fukui (Fujitsu) Notes: Sachiko Wada (Ascade) ** Agenda - Opening salutation Introduction & note takers Agenda Bashing - "ACS introduction" by Keisuke Fukui of Fujitsu - Use cases and visions "NAREGI PSE and ACS" by Prof. Kawata of Utsunomiya university in Japan "Enterprise Grid Appliance Operating Environment" by Peter Ziu of Northrop "Business Grid Project" by Keisuke Fukui of Fujitsu ** Summary The session attracted about 30 people and succeeded to present the overall information to new comers to the session and share the current status of the WG, leaving the presentation about IUDD specification and the detailed planning to the next session. ** ACS overview Current status and history at GGF is presented by Keisuke. Below is questions and answers for the presentation. Q. What will and will not be defined in ACS? A. We will define archive format and repository architecture. We are not going inside of the archive and repository. There are some standards for each of the contents, and we are going to include those standards as time matures. Q. Has the milestone changed significantly since the last BOF session? A. No. The milestone presented is the one in the charter with updates to the past milestones. Q. Do you have any reference implementation? A. We have two candidates now. The Business Grid Project and NAREGI PSE. Q. Since this activity will require changes for CDDLM, will ACS change its spec as well? A. We have not yet decided anything. we are open to modification taking into consideration of CDDLM. ** NAREGI PSE The outline and possible relationship to ACS are presented by Prof. Kawata. Q. How do you determine the granularity of archive? Are mathematical libraries included in an archive? A. What should be included in archives depends on the situation or the Grid systems. We expect ACS to have flexibility as to what the IT resources in the Grid system should provide. Q. What extent is the definition of ACS(NAREGI PSE?) service? Do you have schema? A. We already have some schema taken from the Business Grid Project. We expect collaboration with SI, which has comprehensive schema already. So we are planning to integrate these schemas. SI scope seems to be larger than us. SI can handle Grid applications but not limited to the Grid. They are trying to accommodate every software in a single standard. ACS archive schema could be one part of that, specific to Grid applications. ** Grid appliance usecase (presented by Peter Ziu) The future vision of the ACS, OGSA and beyond is explained. No questions. ** Business Grid Project (presented by Keisuke Fukui) Q. Do the three companies share development outcomes? Are you also going to share IT resources in data centers? A. Business Grid Project is an experimental project to develop a new framework for system management, and thus we are currently working very closely to create a single Grid Middleware. As for a commercially- operating data center, we have not yet discussed about operating a single or multiple data centers running that Grid Middleware. Q. Do people working in Business Grid Project agree that ACS will provide this capability? A. The Business Grid middleware is now under development at their last stage. We are talking closely so that two won't conflict with each other. We may refactor the ACS spec. or request modifications of the implementation if it is appropriate. Q. Is the solution provided by the Business Grid Project independent of ACS implementation? A. We are inspired from the Business Grid Project and I'd like to keep close relationship with it. However, we are open to any discussion, since we are the wg in GGF. ** wrap up. We ran out of the time at the end and called for participation to the second session to join the detailed discussion of the ACS-WG activities in future.