Minutes for EAP telecon on 30 Aug. 2007 Attendees --------- Mark Morgan (minutes) Chris Kanterjiev Hiro Kishimoto Duane Merrill Andrew Grimshaw * Chris to try and find minutes he took on 31 July 2007. * Minutes approval * Duane... - Hiro to check on status of trackers that have been marked resolved (to close them). - Andrew thinks that we have a quorum on the telecon and that we should put it into last call. - Andrew doesn't want to put the use case in public comment yet. - Andrew thinks we should have an action item to work with the HPC WG. - Duane would like to have this work (EAP with HPC) in a seperate doc. - ACTION ITEM: Duane to talk to Marty/Glenn about this. * Secure Transport Document - Hiro things that C0400 is optional -- Duane agrees and agrees that this claim CAN be removed. -- Hiro likes the structure for Hostname Verification (4.3) -- Can Duane do the same thing for client verification above it? -- ACTION ITEM: Duane to do this - Re: R0408 -- Hiro wants the first paragraph of 5.1.1 to be conformance claim. -- ACTION ITEM: Duane to do this -- The lines following the XML does not have conformance targets and (ACTION ITEM) Duane will add this in. -- The conformance claim should also say something about, "If you use this type of authentication, you MUST follow this model." - Add an obsoletion statement to the beginning of the Secure Transport (just after Trademarks section). -- ACTION ITEM: Duane to do this (and for the secure addressing doc) - Line 117 -- ACTION ITEM: Hiro to send Duane the text that he would like to see for this paragraph. - Line 185 -- Hiro is not sure that this is an extension of Secure Addressing, but rather a restriction of it. -- The mechanisms for embedding secure tokens are needed by this document. Specifically the part where it extends WS-SecurityPolicy is required by this document. -- (ACTION ITEM) Duane to change work extension to the word restriction on line 185 (section 3.2) * Secure Addressing - Lines 225 through 231 -- Hiro can't find Conformance claims for these targets. -- ACTION ITEM: Duane to move these to the definitions section. * Last Call Notice - ACTION ITEM: Andrew or Duane to send email to group about last call (after Duane cleans up the document as per today's discussion). - Hiro doesn't see a need to have another call before last call.