BES Telecon 22 Feb. 2007 Attendees --------------- Mark Morgan (minutes) Andrew Grimshaw Steven Newhouse Rich Ciapala Steve McGough Joe Bester Alessandro Maraschini * Agenda Bashing * Comments on Faults - Boils down to clarification on when it should be thrown and when it shouldn't be thrown. - OperationWillBeAppliedEventuallyFault (Joe's Comments) -- Rich, Andrew, and Mark are OK with it without loving it or needing it. -- Steven Newhouse and McGough agree that it isn't pretty, but its OK -- Alessandro (no problem) -- Joe would like to get rid of it. -- Consensus is to leave it in. - How do we proceed? -- We could do another pass to clarify the meaning. -- We could comments into the public comment piece and let it go at that. -- Task Mark or Chris Smith to clarify that piece of text. -- Group consensus? --- Mark says public comment, as does Andrew, and Steven Newhouse, Rich, Steve McGough, Joe, Alessandro * Comments on Authorship - Put as many people as want to be on it, put them alphabetically, and let the steering comittee deal with it -- Group consensus is to do this -- Marvin Theimer should be on the list and credited as at Microsoft * Andreas's Comments on Naming URIs - Put text in 6.1.8 indicating that you could support many different profiles, not just one (and fix tables and schema) (greater or equal to 1 in number) - Does everyone agree? -- Yes -- Action Item: Andrew and Mark to do this. * Joe Bester's Comments on the Document - Need to clarify 3rd bullet of section 3 (page 7) -- Action Item: Andrew and Mark to do this - Regarding state transition -- Text needs clarifying -- Can we make this a public comment and put it off for a bit. -- Any objects? --- No, group consensus is to let it go into public comment --- Mark's description about boxes and squares (black box idea) to be put into public comment. - Would like to see an example of a state with multiple sub-states. - Port-type vs. Port-Type capitalization is inconsistent. - Re: Start and Stop accepting -- no need to put the sentence "The response message will be sent once the BES has started accepting new activity creation requests." -- Andrew has already done this. - Schema at the end of the document isn't in sync with the latest version of the document. -- Rich wants to put the latest schemas somewhere. -- Make the schema match the text. -- Rich to taken an action to sync schema with Chris and Mark - BES-Factory Operations and Faults -- Ugly, but necessary -- Punt into public comments - CreateActivity -- Change text to indicate that the fault is thrown, not included -- Action Item: Mark and Andrew to do this - One more call to finish this off and to give Andrew and I a chance to make changes, or put rest into public comment. Group Consensus overall is to make changes talked about, then put into public comment.