BES Implementation Meeting, GGF 18, 14 Sept. 2006 Minutes taken by Mark Morgan Agenda ----------- * Agenda Bashing * Minute Taker (Mark Morgan) * Early Experiences * HPC Profile interop planning * Miscellaneous from Yesterday * Trackers * Genesis II BES Implementation * HPC Profile and Interop Planning - Groups interested in participating -- Microsoft (existing) -- UVA --- Genesis II (existing) --- Humphrey (existing) -- Platform -- ICL -- GridSam group (existing) -- Fujitsu -- Globus - SC2006 is less than two months away - Maybe we can get some people who don't want to host implementations, to host hardware - The process of interop testing between now and SC is more subject to risks then the demo itself. - We need a coordinater to carry the flag. Volunteers? -- Microsoft volunteers --- To work on the HPC Profile mailing list. - Telecons with screen sharing - Three facets -- Technical facet -- Legal Facets -- Press Facets - Propose that we punt the marketing aspects to OGF and Steve Crumb - In terms of Legal, that not something that UVa cares about -- it should be one of the Vendors (maybe Microsoft or Platform) * Should we make the lifetime explicitly undefined, or make it undefined unless there is an attribute in the container - Maybe define a few attributes - We have consensus to have an attribute - Tom suggests looking at ResourceTransfer which has metadata about lifetime management. - How about a hybrid. There is metadata in the create wrapper which identifies how long the client wishes for the activity to hang around, but its optional so you don't have to do it. - Proposals -- Do nothing, just say it's undefined -- An optional container level attribute that says how long information is persisted (minimum) -- Make it an extensible parameter on the create -- Combine the middle two together. -- Vote by majority is to leave it out and will talk about an extension later -- Action Item: Andrew to add the sentence to the create activity operation that says that the lifetime is explicitly undefined * URI vs. String argument in the HPC profile file/path names Vote, Strings win, not URIs * Trackers, as per gridforge