BES Telecon, 31 August 2006 Attendees --------------- Andrew Grimshaw Mark Morgan (minutes) Michel Dreischer Peter Lane Chris Smith Marvin Theimer Dave Snelling Agenda ----------- * Minutes approval * Agenda Bashing * Trackers * Go over the new document Minutes Approval ------------------------- * Minutes from last week approved without modification. Updated Document ---------------------------- * Marvin going through changes * Actoin Item: Andrew to fix the numbering in the document * Action Item: Marvin to change Optional Extensions to Possible Extensions * Andrew suggests that for some of the extensions we go to the people who have strong opinions to step up and say yes, or no. Otherwise, we'll just remove them from them document. * Idempotent - Dave Snelling does not want to take ownership of Idempotent - Action Item: Peter Lane to take ownership of the Idempotent section of the BES document. -- Must answer question, how long does BES have to remember? * Subscription - Doesn't this go into the wrapper document (in otherwords, let's have a wrapper document for the create activity operation that MUST contain the JSDL In otherwords ... * - Action Item: Peter Lane to take this on in the document * Lifetime Management - Peter would like an extension that allows you to set the activity lifetime. - Action Item: Peter Lane to take ownership of this section of the Lifetime Management section * Library needs nothing (we like it as is) * We'll have another call next week to talk about changes to document epsilon the wsdl and schemas. Marvin would like us to say that we are OK with saying that vector lengths for inputs and outputs should match ** Marvin will own the pen for one more day ** Marvin then to hand of pen to Peter Lane (via an upload to Gridforge) Marvin also suggests that you get back a vector of either the answer the client wanted, or a failure element (which is a soap fault) ** Action Item: Marvin to put failure element into the document Trackers ------------- As per Gridforge. Action Item: Marvin to change container to activity container to avoid confusion Action Item: Marvin to get rid of pseudo-type names and replace with real type names. Action Item: Marvin to take care of 5541 Action Item: Marvin to take care of 5558