OGSA BES Telecon, 24 August 2006 Attendees --------------- Mark Morgan Darren Pulsipher Andrew Grimshaw Glenn Wasson Tom Mcguire Marvin Theimer Stephen Newhouse Michel Dreischer Agenda ----------- Go through Marvin's revamp Trackers Base Faults Vector of activities vs. singleton Who has the pen Base Fault Discussion --------------------------------- * High level points from Microsoft -- Assume a certain naming convention which the tools for Microsoft don't generate by default -- Exposes security risks because of nested hierarchy -- Industry is pushing contracts and whether or not it is met by someone. * Consensus is that we just define everything in terms of SoapFaults and we'll develop internally an InfoSet for it. -- Action Item: Tom to write this up. Activity as a vector or as a singleton ---------------------------------------------------- * Reading through the minutes from the profile working group, wsan't clear whether or not the HPC profile group was asking for a restriction on the BES interface or not. * If BES remains as a vector with a degenerate case of one, the is that still OK? -- Seems fine * Consensus, BES doesn't need to change Latest Draft Changes ------------------------------- * Marvin going through v22 -- Moved Appendix A into introduction -- Whosale change on state model -- Refactored the two port types with the attributes * Will need to add faults from Marvin's state change stuff to XSD and WSDL * Will need to change appendices to match new attribute model * Make the model 5 states, not 3 with 2 failure states. * Action Item: Marvin to continue with the pen and try and cleanup document (including possibly looking into the appendices) Who has the pen ------------------------- * Marvin Trackers ------------ * As per the trackers themselves