Minutes for BES Telecon, 10 August 2006 Attendees --------------- Mark Morgan (Minutes) Andrew Grimshaw Glenn Wasson Darren Pulsipher Marvin Theimer Jay Unger Stephen Newhouse Chris Smith Agenda ----------- * Assign a notetaker (Mark to do it) * Modify the agenda to insert quick document status review * Attributes and Attribute Model -- Try to come to closure on what the attributes are going to be. * Do we want to talk about Base Faults? -- Not here -- do on email * Status Review * Ian took the pen on the document and now we can't get ahold of him -- Time constraints are starting to approach for the HPC profile. -- Andrew to be a little more agressive working through Argon to get ahold of him and then Andrew will take the pen back. * Confirmed with Dave Snelling just before this call that the State Model representation decision at the F2F (The Marvin Plan) that he had come over to that side. * Info model and attributes * The types are in-precise (that should be precise such as xsd:integer) * Flat vs. Hierarchical -- May need to go flat for now and go to something else later. -- We're going to need to settle for flat but write into the document that future versions may change the cardinality or other aspects of this. -- There is a consensus that the specialization things such as posix or the WSRF attributes do NOT belong in the base specification, but they do make a lot of sense in extensions and in particular a POSIX extension in the appendix of this document. -- If I have a schema for these attributes, then we can make the multiplicity correct for a more hierarchical system. -- We're going to go with Andrew's suggestion of Container Attributes Vector of resource specific attributes (such as OS, num processors, etc.) Make sure that the resource document MAY be a BES document, but doesn't have to be. * Attributes Common Name should be a MAY (BES Level) LocalResourceManagerType MUST be a QName (both a BES one, and inside the resource document). TotalNumberOfActivities (Mandatory at the top level, but optional at the bottom level) *** Discussion *** Are we talking about: BR = Base Resource BES = < Whatever for the BES itself Array of BR | BES * So, instead, we will label things as BES or BR Define BR as BES minus the web service specific things. Need more pictures. -- Total number of activities is BES only -- Activity Reference is BES only -- Description (BES) -- Execution Service Location (remove) -- Job Credential Service and File Credential Service should be removed -- no one knows what they are and they seem specific to certain implementations. -- Proposal to nuke (OperatingSystemVersion as it is included in jsdl:OperatingSystem) -- OperatingSystem is a BR thing -- MaxProcessesPerUser -- what is this? Belongs in an extension? Yes, consensus on this -- CPUArchitecture is BR -- CPUCount is BR -- CPUSpeed is BR -- PhysicalMemory is BR -- VirtualMemory is BR -- Writeable File Space -- consensus is to take out. -- Network Bandwidth -- consensus is to take out. -- Library -- a VERY good extension, but doesn't belong here. Belongs with deployment, but not here.