OGSA Naming Telecon -- 28 April 2006 Attendees --------------- Mark Morgan (minutes) Andrew Grimshaw Frank Siebenlist Dave Snelling Mike Behrens Chris Jordan Agenda ----------- * 5 minutes -- agenda bashing * 30 minutes -- Discuss draft requirements document * 30 minutes -- Discuss approval of DRAFT WS-Names document to send to GFSG for GFSG approval. * 25 minutes -- Attempt to come to closure on working group consensus regarding WS-Directory, RNS. * Requirements Document - pointer to the pieces that Dave and Frank believe need to be there - highlights the properties that need to be addressed - a few other use cases that motivate naming -- Migration and recovery -- Should be added to the document - Overall perspective comment by Andrew -- Taking this document as a document for requirements and suggestions for how those requirements might be filled, it's good. Andrew has identified 1-to-1 maps between that document and what WS-Naming already has and he'll point those out as we go. - Frank wants to revisit the "names" of elements in the current document - 5.1 -- Unambiguous Web Service Endpoint Profile -- Good profile -- WS-Names does not address this at all because the authors assumed this but it should probably be added -- Should this profile be a product of the OGSA-Naming working group > Not against this, esp. if Dave Snelling and Frank want to take the lead on it. - 5.2 -- Web Service Endpoint Name Specification -- This is exactly what the AbstractName component of WS-Names is (according to Andrew). > Can we meet this reqiurement by WS-Name's AbstractName > We say that the endpoint name is an IRI and that the EPR minter has to adhere to 5.1 > Where does the IRI go in the "to" field --- Yes, that's indicated in the 5.3 > This section says nothing about Unique in Space and Time > Can you use this IRI to compare? > Is there any reason why what we call AbstractName in WS-Naming is any different from this IRI? --- With a few additional words in the spec (about how the minter of the EPR has to adhere to 5.1), then there is a match. - 5.3 -- Endpoint Address Identifier Profile -- We don't have a problem with this one as long as it's clear that the address and whatever we call the abstractname are not equivalent > they might be the same element, but don't have to be. > if my address field adheres to 5.2, and also happens to be sufficient for 5.1, then it can be in the address field, and it can be > additionally placed in the metadata - Could see choosing to do this, but not making it a requirement - We still need to talk about this - 5.4 -- Resolution Specification - provide a service that maps an IRI to an EPR - similar to, but not the same as the WS-Naming resolution function - if we refer to 5.1 and change the name of the resolution function to resolve, and change the text to only talk about returning EPRs, then we have consensus that this makes 5.4 and WS-Naming equivalent. - 5.4.2 -- Renewable Reference Interface - The two resolve functions should be two seperate port types. * RNS - Mark to send Manuel requirements on hierarchical naming - GFSG had call with chairs and all to try and get requirements and trying to reduce the RNS draft down to basically minimal set of functionallity that that provides something similar to what WS-Directory provides. Action Items ------------------- * Mark to add Frank's comments as trackers/tracker comments * Frank agrees that he and Dave Snelling will take on the responsibility of authoring the "Unambiguous Web Service Endpoint Profile" * Frank and Dave to write profile document for section 5.3 * Mark Morgan to change spec. with a few words indicating that the minter of an EPR following 5.1 produces an abstractname that makes 5.2 and WS-Naming abstract names equivalent. * Change spec so that text about resolve refers to 5.1 document and that it returns an EPR (not a WS-Name), then change name to "eprResolve" * Mark Morgan to change naming document so that the two resolve port types should be in seperate port types. And change the name to "renew". To satisfy all parties, we also need to add an optional EPR to the eprResolve port type. As long as the spec. makes it clear what the purposes of the optional EPR and that the client may have to loop a few times to deal with this. * Andrew to send out to list an attempt to get a call before GGF-Tokyo -- Next agenda items to approve minutes and to finish up discussion -- also to go through tracker comments.