9 December 2005 Attendees --------------- Frank Siebenlist Hiro Kishimoto Andrew Grimshaw Marvin Theimer Mark Morgan (Notes) Dave Berry Manuel Pereira Dave Snelling Mike Behrens Agenda ----------- * Review Assumptions in document * Use of WS-Address To field * Assumptions of what in headers on the wire * Globally Unique AbstractNames and ramifications * Frank's Email * Assumptions that went into WS-Naming - Most tooling pretty much assumes that the To field is a URL, not a name -- not clear that this is going to change -- this is a critical assumption - Requirements -- Some kind of unique string to identify resource endpoints with a high probabily (for equality comparisons on EPRs) -- Desire to rebind an EPR for whatever reason -- Two seperable things * WS-Addressing "To" field - Abstract Name as a piece of meta data would not flow over the wire. - It may not be there. If the dispatch on the other end NEEDS that information, then it should encode that information somewhere else where it would be passed on the wire. - Same thing applies to the intermediary -- if you need information, then you need to encode that information elsewhere - Security policies - If you construct the unique name from To and ReferenceParameters, then you loose location transparency - What about EPRs that are regenerated exactly (with different AbstractNames)? - Marvin's compromise -- We should recommend/require that the minters of EPRs with AbstractNames deal with the re-use problem. - A profile may be necessary that says in order to avoid un-inteneded aliases, there be a proflie on address and reference parameters that allows for backends to distinguish between re-used addresses * How do we "guarantee" globally uniqueue abstract names - Minters should use well known techniques for generating globally unique abstract names - There are ways of doing this - RFC4122 - GUIDs with additional information - Do we want to provide guidance? or do we mandate? - recommend against mandating - Everyone agrees that unique in space and time is good * Is the spec. OK, or do we need to add things to the spec. - Recommendation text - Inform users of abstract names that they must include all necessary information for dispatching into other places in the EPR - Write up a profile for how to use WS-Addressing "safely" (i.e., deal with un-intential duplicate address uses). - Action on the working group to write this profile or punt it into OGSA