BES Telecon, 27 Oct. 2005 Attendees --------------- Mark Morgan (minutes) Andrew Grimshaw John Karpovich Darren Pulsipher Stephen Newhouse * Darren made some updates to the document and posted them back up to gridforge. - Primarily focused on state transitions - The concept of doing blind suspends is gone. -- Suggest we put back in a way of doing generic suspend/resume activities. -- Why did we get rid of resume? -- Part of the problem is that you can get into suspend from a lot of different places. - Let's say that a client can ask for a move from one state to another. If the BES can do that action, it will. Otherwise, it won't. -- Terminate is the same -- Interface stays the same * When an activity enters an exception state, does it move to a cleaning up state. * We're not going to require any clean up activity. * If the thing fails on a stage out, the result on the external state is indeterminate. * If any one of the actions in stage in or stage out ends up an exception state, then the transition from stage-in or stage-out will be to the exception state. - What happens to other stage-in's and outs? -- indeterminate -- up to implementation. * What happens when you get terminated? - Move to "cleaning-up"? * Chris had originally wanted to have the ability to stop things between stages. For example, get everything staged in and then stop....etc. * Doing we want to turn running into a composite state? - A lot of people felt that JSDL short-changed the MPI groups. - We don't want to provide the ways to individually manipulate mpi process. That's a higher level thing. We should be dealing with the simple stuff like mpi run. * Let's post for last call in the group soon. * Darren to send to Andrew, Stephen, and Chris by end of the week. * Mark to do WSRF Profile Rendering, Stephen to do WS-I Rendering. * Stephen to send WSDL that William did.