Minutes for BES Telecon -- 25 August 2005 Attendees --------------- Mark Morgan (Minutes) Andrew Grimshaw Steven Newhouse Darren Pulshipher Karl Czajkowski Looking at Draft Recommendatoin Document ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Mostly going over things from the face to face meeting last week. * Would it have made sense to have only one createActivity method but to put a start in suspended state flag in the JSDL - Yeah, change it to a flag in the JSDL * Darren to change state diagrams to a more UML style to indicate that the BES must keep track of the state from which a BES comes from (for like a suspend). * Should we deal with WS-Names or WS-Addressing EPRs? - Should clients of a BES be able to tell if two returned "handles" refer to the same thing? - What is the BES instance where this can happen (the ambiguity)? - What if I am a client and I am managing a couple of jobs and I get an event from the BES about some job changing it's state. How do I tell which one it's talking about. - What if the activity gets restarted with a new EPR (migration, failure, etc.) - ACTION ITEM -- Andrew to talk to OGSA group to make a more global statement about WS-Names as a requirement across all services. * We should probably get out of micro-managing the jobs. * During an exception, the BES will do best effort to cleanup, but any exceptions encountered during this process are not exposed. * Do we say that you have to transition through all states even if it is a no-op and then let's see what the response is from the community on this. - Steven put a note in asking if the stage-in/state-out elements should be optional. * Subscription/Eventing Stuff - Sub-activities? -- Use extensibility mech. of JSDL to mark up what you want to get notified about. - Part of the get-activity-document should include in the returned document the subscriptions that are active. - If we embed the subscription in the JSDL, then you are essentially doing a bulk subscription operation and you'll return the individual handles or references to the individual subscriptions that you can then manage. But you can do a bulk operation at startup and then do incremental changes from there on forward. - Now we need normative text saying how to do that. ACTION ITEM -- Karl to do this - We agree that we want to have a bulk operation setup - We need to come up with a more solid proposal on the next call - Wouldn't be opposed to generating different WS-Names for the sub-activites, but we need to talk about this more * GGF Sessions in Boston - You can only get two sessions now (45 minutes and 90 minutes). - Should we get two 90 minute sessions -- Need support of group's area (not Andrew) -- Do we need three? -- Nah, let's just get 2 90 minutes. -- Say focused, not do much of a intro thing. * ACTION -- Darren to alter diagram * ACTION -- Steven to put in some text.