Telecon Minutes -- 11 Aug. 2005 Attendees --------------- Mark Morgan (Minutes) Andrew Grimshaw Darren Pulsipher Steven Newhouse Tom Maguire * Going over Agenda for F2F next week * Last week the group discussed section 3.3 * Last week the group discussed section 3.6 * Also talked about event generation -- Possibly extend JSDL to allow the request for subscriptions for events -- Are those subscriptions first-class resources with their own EPRs -- Because we can extend the JSDL, the answer yes -- You would extend JSDL with sufficient information to allow for the creation of a subscription resource -- How would the client be able to get that handle back (perhaps get activity status) -- yes -- Could pass in an addendum to JSDL for post facto subscriptions -- Couldn't we give those sub-actions (in the JSDL) their own handles -- They already have them -- JSDL has the ability to give IDs to sub-activities -- Could we assign the sub-activities WS-Names? -- If these things can't stand alone, then let's not give them standalone status (like giving them a WS-Name) -- Let's have WS-Names for the activites, and then an additional field for the sub-activities -- Let's hold off on talking too much about this -- Let's add this to the agenda to spend 15 or 20 minutes looking at the pros and cons.