Teleconference for ByteIO BoF 23 March 2005 Attending --------- Mark Morgan (Minutes) Dave Berry Neil Chue Hong Agenda ------ * Telecons - Schedule - Number * Charter * BoF Mailing List - GFS Meeting Yesterday. - ByteIO discussed and generally favorably looked upon * Telecons - Tuesdays, 11-12AM Easter (4-5PM UK), every other week - Mark to send out schedule once mailing list set up - Start on 5 April 2005 - Dave to set up teleconference logistics * Charter - Received copy from Dave Berry. - Read over, get comments, we'll talk about at next telecon. * Mailing List - Mark to Mail Steve Crumb to set up - Once set up, Mark to spam OGSA, Data, DAIS, GFS-WG * Informal, short telecon next wed(30 March 2005) right after data telecon to discuss comments so far and to see how we're progressing.