GSA-RG Minutes OGF21, October 16, 2007 03:15pm - 4:45pm Room: Amphitheatre Attendance: about 20-25 Note-taker: Ramin Yahyapour - Intro by Philipp Wieder + Slides available on GridForge: + Scope of the RG - Presentation by Alexander Papaspyrou + Slides available on GridForge: + Q: what is needed for submission interface beyond DRMAA, BES? - The linkage between the different protocols is not clear. Submission could be via DRMAA or BES. A unified super-set for submission is necessary. Could hide negotiation behind it. - BES/DRMAA does not sufficient for scheduling, just for submission/starting. - Continuation Philipp + Work towards interoperation + JSDL subset for interoperablity to be decided by the partners with scheduler solutions. + Proposal for Scheduling Description Language (SDL)? - Need for a new WG? RGs are not supposed to create specs. - Decision: Go for a BOF at OGF22 + Continuation of Grid scheduling requirements document? - Decision: Finalise it, typical members agree to spend the time. Necessary to kick everyone to actually do it. If no final draft until OGF 22, discontinue.