Attendance: Frank Siebenlist Von Welch Bob Cowles Markus Lorch Tony Genovese Takuya Mori Lavanya Ramakrishnan Rebekah Lepro Mary Thompson Andrew McNab Proposed agenda: * There has been good discussion on the attributes document. I'd like to ask Mary to give an overview of what's been done and what the outstanding issues are. * I just posted a Requirements and SAML profile document. I'll give a *brief* overview of both and discussion open issues with SAML profile document. * Status on policy document. Frank? * What, if anything, should we do before offical submission to GGF editor tomorrow? * What to do before GGF? Minutes: VW: Agenda bashing - no additions MT: New version of attributes document last night Two pieces to attribute - name/value & possibly condition Assertion - signature, "eveloping" Push vs pull model Don't need envelope for if they are stored in trusted repository RL: two uses of attributes in XCAML, in policy and in context Doesn't specify how attributes get into context MT: Need both models (push and pull) Haven't talked about revocation VW: Agree we don't need both models MT: Push model more complicated Issues: Where to put conditions? Do we need typed attributes? How to type them? Who needs to know what? Namespaces - seems logical but complicates things? RL: Rest of world is not as far as long with attr. asseerions as they are with e.g authn MT: Should organize issues from mail RL: Also have SAML email archived MT and RL will come up with a summary of comments from OGSA-autz and SAML mailing lists on the issues and post it on GridForge before GGF9 FS: Should we look at XACML more closely since it is meant for authz Discussion of how to use GridForge ML: Conditions on attributes and attribute container? RL: Validitiy and conditions - would like to discuss at GGF. MT: Take Olle's words from email and put into document. In summary will come up with list of issues. VW: Issues with authz service: Simple response request: Relies on RespondWith Authz Service State: relies on respondwith, uses cookie. Conditions and Authz assertions: per assertion or per statement SAML 1.1 update Issues with requirements: None known VW: Requirements is the generic version and SAML profile is SAML-specific - could use discussion about relationship between the two. FS: Won't have any policy documents today. Will lead discussion at GGF9 to get ball rolling. VW: Should save bulk of time at GGF9 for existing documents. Need to figure out what/if anything we need to do with posting these documents for GGF - VW will take on. End meeting.