OGSA EMS Teleconference - 8 November 2004 ========================================= * Participants Mark Morgan (UVa) Hrabri Rajic (Intel) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Minutes: Andreas Savva * No quorum; agreed to discuss procedural issues. * Any way to speed up the discussion? Ravi is thinking of starting a wider discussion on use cases to motivate the meta pattern used in version 1.0. * Preparation for F2F: interactions between Data and EMS are a likely focus. So a common use case would be useful to motivate and focus the discussion---already have a common meta-pattern * Often discussion tends to be too abstract. Consider finding a relatively controversial but concrete topic that people would be interested in to motivate and focus the discussion. * As a way to get wider participation consider commenting on other groups' work and how the EMS team thinks it fits in EMS. One example is GSA-RG but also GRAAP-WG. Might be useful even if it is only at the requirements level. * Map standards and how they relate to EMS. For example, take individual concepts and whether they fit together; identify gaps. How long would this take? * Actions: Ravi to send agenda for next meeting early. Probable focus on preparation for F2F. Put minutes approval on agenda (consider re-using Hiro's agenda as template). Andreas to send tracker how-to to Ravi. Send open issues or discussion topics to Ravi.