OGSA Teleconference - 28 August 2008 - Information Services ======================================== Roll call : Andrew, Sergio, Michel, Donal, Hiro, Steven, Dave Agenda Bashing: OK Singapore: - Sergio, Michel, Steven, Hiro, Donnal. - OGSA Sessions: Mon 09:00, Wed 9:15. - Andrew will join by phone. New Action: Hiro: Talk to Joel about fixing clash with RSS, Check for clashes with GLUE-WG. Minutes for Aug 7: Approved. Action Review: - Sergio: Action is done, see below. - Dave: Overview of CMDBf activity, done see below. - Andrew: Simple port type addition of push with slides, pending. Sergio: CEMon From his mail: 1. CEMon website: http://grid.pd.infn.it/cemon/ 2. the WSDL documentation is here: http://grid.pd.infn.it/cemon/wsdl/ 3. the service is mainly targeted at push/pull mode delivery of events; 4. the GetTopicEvent includes options such as "dialect", which enables to specify which format you want the info 5. there is a visibility concept, to define who can access what (user, group, other like in linux: group can be a VO) 6. the service interface can be easily extended to include the query expression and the query format Andrew asked about access to multiple sources of information. The default is only one resource per CEMon. Publication is through LDAP, via BDII using Open LDAP, as a registry. At the moment there is no security framework, so only public information is available. The web site has a good set of slides. CMDBf Discussion: Dave presented the draft spec of CMDBf to the OGSA group o The presented draft is available from the website www.cmdbf.org o Eclipse project “Cosmos” implements variety of management functions (http://www.eclipse.org/cosmos/) § Aim to provide a client compliant to the CMDBf and MDR port types o CMDBf do not provide an Information Model, OGSA needs one Hiro: This is a kind of directory or information source. What is the difference in target of OGSA-IS and CMDBf? Dave: Most differences are about the use cases. CMDBf mainly discusses non-volatile or dynamic information as OGSA-IS does, although the CMDBf specs do not preclude this. OGSA IS talks more about jobs submitted, jobs status and resource availability. Andrew: The IS discussion is around for a while. CMDBf looks very powerful but also intimidating. Are we over-engineering this problem? Maybe we adopt the WS-DAI family of specs (because they are fairly simple)? Would we then profile on the available information models available? Dave: Almost the same question arose at the starting of the CMDBf Working Group. The group resolved that WS-DAI would be too much to swallow for the group to handle (Dave did not agree with that). The management scope dramatically narrows down the focus of IM/IS applicability General thought: The port type for an IS is not the problem – it is the information model that typically is the problem AOB: Invitations to Info session: BES/HPCBP implementers, GLUE developers, Info Service developers, RSS people, and possibly JSDL people. New Action: Donnal: Send invitations to GLUE-WG, RSS-WG after the scheduling problems have been fixed. New Action: Steven: Provide slides for the ISV Primer session. Next Call: No call for Info before OGF24.