Telecon OGSA Info Services 17 July 2008 Participants ============ Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Krasi Kapitanova (UVa) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Sergio Andreozzi (INFN, taking minutes) Donal K. Fellows (UoM) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Summary Actions =============== SA: to send Andrew the documentation about mentioned service AG: to prepare a strawman port type design Minutes ======= minutes approval: ok, no comments discussing GLUE Use Cases: - use cases defined in GLUE seem to be too broad - SA: explains that they come from production scenarios and are currently supported in different Grid infrastructures - HK: missing performance numbers about requirements discussion moves to performance aspects: - SA: I read from the minutes that 200 queries/s can be expected; this should be considered as a requirements for the entry-point in the information services; IMO, it should not be expected as requirement for primary services such as a BES endpoint or SRM endpoint; what is the goal of this group? to define how info such as GLUE are exposed via primary services such as BES/SRM or to define how information is spread around via the information service? - the latter - SA: explains the hierarchical and LDAP-based structure of EGEE info service - AG: we should not concentrate on the architecture of the info service (e.g., hierarchical vs. p2p); let's start by defining a simple port type that enables a client to query information stored in a server - SA: we should avoid discussion on which data format/query language; suggest to have a generic port type where query language and data format are passed as parameters; people will implement what they want (even support for multiple formats); the port type should envision the possibility of inspecting the supported features; - AG: and if a client requires an unsupported query language, a fault is returned; that's good, but what about interoperability? isn 't it better to define a different port type per query language/data format? - SA: I prefer a single generic interface; (see flexibility of HTTP protocol); interoperability profiles can later be defined - DF: how frequent data are updated? - AG: in our work, we split static vs. dynamic - DF: I'm a bit worried about large answers - AG: we can provide iterators or ranges - AG: we volunteer to provide a strawman port type definition to be used for discussion - SA: I can provide a reference to a work performed by colleagues in Padova about generic query interface Next Meeting ============ 7 Aug, same time