OGSA Call: 27 March 2008 Attendance: Donal Fellows (note taker) Andrew Grimshaw Hiro Kishimoto (chair) Mark Morgan Steven Newhouse David Snelling Ellen Stokes Minutes (Feb5, Feb17) approved Action Items: Closed: artf6043 Closed: artf6168 Postponed: artf6169 (wait until after IEEE paper) Closed: artf6110 Postponed: artf6121 (depends on other factors) Open: artf6171 (pending putting info on right wiki page) Closed: artf6172 Closed: artf6170 Closed: artf6173 Spec adoption workshop: no significant progress Access paradigms community workshop planning (lead by SN): Templates Suragrid (sp?) Ellen: What about bringing input from EGR-RG? What about GLUE-WG? Can Sergio come? Tracks - 1) putting specs to use-cases 2) do use-cases with specs and identify gaps Schedule report out: BP Chalkboards standing by! Detailed agenda depends on how many people coming; parallel sessions/breakouts not preferred