OGSA Teleconference - 4 February 2008 - Primer/Spec Adoption ============================================================ Attendees: Hiro Kishimoto Dave Snelling (Minutes) Andreas Savva Andrew Grimshaw Michael Behrens Primer discussion Oct 1, Oct F2F, and London F2F minutes approved. Primer actions to be discussed in the document review. Issue: Where to publish. Recommend IEEE Computer. The length is too long (4000 words max) currently we are over 10K words. Suggestions for the full paper are OGF and Geoffery Fox's Journal. There is a good target issue in June in SOA, There is an E-Science call in August. Actions: - Aim for IEEE in June Andrew to shorten the document. - Andrew to contact Geofery Fox about having the full paper published. ------ Adoption discussion: Slide up loaded to the website. Premise: There are enough spec to really do something. Consumer's need for standards is increasing. We need vendors to implement the specs. Pre requisites: Working production infrastructures AND user demand. How to proceed: Identify trend setting customers (Possibility: Teragrid, EGEE, DESIA, NAREGI, NIH, E-Science community, NSA Cyberinfrastructure). Comercial: Pharma, Bio med, ? Identify trend setting vendors (Globus, EGEE, Unicore, MS, Platform. Altair, Sun, Sybase, Oracle, Amazon (EC2, S3)). Developing new specs now is should not be our priority. Possible Actions: - Contact EU Leadership to arm twist EGEE and Unicore - Contact Teragrid leadership to arm twist Globus - Contact NIH leadership to arm twist Globus - Contact E-Science community leadership to arm twist Globus and Condor - Contact TIT leadership to arm twist Globus and condor Action : Contact these guys at OGF22. Kryiacos, Dane, Satoshi Matsuoka, Gentzsch, Craig, Chris, Steve Action: Add this to the strategy session (Tuesday). Ideas: - Traverna port to BES - EGEE-LFN port to RNS, ByteIO (Needs Security) + BES and JSDL, GLUE - Unicore: RNS, ByteIO, GLUE