OGSA Teleconference - 12 November 2007 - Security ================================================= * Participants Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Duane Merrill (UVA) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Summary of New Actions ACTION: Andreas Savva to create trackers for new security profile documents; move over identified issues; and delete old trackers ACTION: Duane Merrill to talk with Blair Dillaway (Security AD) about handing the use case document to another group ACTION: Dave Snelling to prepare material (notes or draft) on how to write up the third OGSA specific security profile and send to Duane Merrill * Minutes Sep. 17 approved with no changes * Minutes OGF21 security session approved with no changes * Minutes OGF21 F2F security session approved with no changes * Tracker Review - Closed obsolete artf6008 on "The Action List" tracker - Document reorganization also makes current security profile trackers obsolete. - Reviewed previous document trackers and identified issues that may still apply to the new documents. Closed obsolete ones. ACTION: Andreas to create trackers for new security profile documents; move over identified issues; and delete old trackers * Document structure - Discussed whether use case document should be moved forward together with the profiles. - Agreed that the use cases cover wider area than the profiles. It is difficult to move forward on the use cases at this time. - The document does over offer valuable input to security area. It may be worth handing it over to another group, if one exists. CONSENSUS: Focus only on the profile documents at this time ACTION: Duane to talk with Blair Dillaway (Security AD) about handing the use case document to another group Andreas moved the old documents (except the use cases) to the Attic ** Naming of documents - Discussed naming and breakdown of profiles. - Which profile is more basic and should include the bsp claim URI required to fill the gap for the WSRF Basic Profile be exposed? - Should these profiles be called OGSA profiles? Agreed that they profiles are not specific OGSA---remove the OGSA branding from the title and rewrite so that they are OGSA neutral. In particular some of the conformance targets like OGSA_RESOURCE would have to be relabeled. Otherwise, it is ok to leave the profile claim URIs include '/ogsa/' since that only refers to the name of the WG producing the document. Agreed that a third short profile that will be OGSA specific should be produced. It will include in essence two conformance claims to bring the other two profiles together and also expose the WSRF basic security profile conformance claim URI. ACTION: Dave Snelling to prepare material (notes or draft) on how to write up the third OGSA specific security profile and send to Duane Merrill * Logistics - Next security profile call will be next Monday - Agreed to cancel the logistics call on Thursday