OGSA Teleconference - 5 November 2007 - Logistics ================================================== * Participants Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Michael Behrens (R2AD) Mark Morgan (UVa) Stephen Newhouse (University of Southampton/OMII-UK) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Minutes: Michael Behrens * Summary of New Actions Hiro to send e-mail to Steve/David regarding hosting F2F. Hiro to send out Jan 9-11 F2F dates to mailing list for feedback. Hiro to send e-mail to Chris regarding Andrew as Co-Chair. * Minutes 12 July (doc14664) approved with no changes * Minutes 13 Aug approved with no changes * Minutes 19 Oct F2F (doc14884) approved with no changes * Action Item review artf6042: Closed artf6039: Closed artf6041: Closed (results to be discussed today) artf6040: Closed artf6005: Closed (to be discussed today) * F2F Schedule Discussion on surveymonkey results: Jan looks good. Stephen asked what's wrong with Jan 7-9, answer: too close to Japanese New year holidays. Andreas proposes Jan 9-11 UK. Stephen: Is there a telecon consensus on 9-11? No Objections. - CONSENSUS on telecon that Jan 9-11 would be doable. Still need to confirm a location: Imperial College desirable (central London). - ACTION: Hiro to send e-mail to Steve/David regarding hosting F2F. - ACTION: Hiro will send out to the entire mailing list for feedback. * Telecon Schedule Discussion on current calender. 8th: Primer: Ellen asked for some high-level examples for Thursday's call. Awaiting to hear back. 12th: Info Modelling Guidelines and Security Profile 2.0. However SuperComputing dates are 12-15th, so move workflow to the 29th and move the General/Amin 1 hour earlier. 19th: Glossary Update. 26th: Security 29th: Workflow now in the early slot. Primer moved to Dec 6th. See OGSA Calendar for the other meetings and the updates. * Nomination for Andrew's nomination - ACTION: Hiro to send e-mail to Chris as next step.