OGSA Express AuthN Profile - 17 September 2007 ============================================== * Telecon Participants Duane Merrill (UVa) Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Michael Behrens (R2AD) Minutes: Michael Behrens - Housekeeping * Minutes Approved July 30 telcon, without modification Aug. 30 telcon, without modification * Summary of Action-List changes: artf5976: Close artf6008: Done artf6009: HPC Interactions initiated - Close. * Summary of SP Trackers: Secure Addressing: tracker1649: Cover page updated - Close. artf5992: Closed artf5993: Deleted unreferenced conformance targets: Closed. Secure SOAP: artf5919: secure SOAP: (based on discussion on SSL handshake on call + verbage updated): close Secure Transport: artf5985: Close. artf5986: Close. artf5989: Close artf5990: Close artf5991: Close. - OGSA Express AuthN profiles Discussion (during artifact review): Good discussion arose on how to normatively describe static policy documents. A point was raised about white-space and canonicalization issues with normative xml documents. These options were discussed: - Using XML fragment/Document (as in current document) - Using normative statements (sentences) with an XML non-normative example (Andreas) - Creating an XSD in the appendix which, when used, would results in a valid policy xml document (Duane) All agree that precision is important to eliminate ambiguity (especially for a profile document). Continue discussion as needed on e-mail. Andreas asked about the definition of "OGSA endpoint" as it relates to a non-OGSA endpoint. Duane answered and showed definition in document as it relates to the instances within a SOAP container or a resources that is the conformant target.