OGSA Teleconference - 2 August 2007 - Interop / Logistics ========================================================= * Participants Shiraz Memon (Julich) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Donal Fellows (UMAN) Mike Behrens (R2AD LLC) Chris Kantarjiev (Oracle) Joe Bester (ANL) Rachana Anathakrishnan (Globus) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Minutes July 23 approved with no changes * Action Item review - AI-0511c: postponed - AI-0611g: postponed - AI-0611h: Waiting for wiki page. The WSRF BP page is setup and Hiro will talk to IBM/HP based on that; and that there will be something simiar for the BSP & BP - AI-0712a: pending * Profile Interoperability ** Review of the wiki page (WSRF BP) - First item has sample xml for request and result. It includes the SOAP envelope that might not be necessary but is given for information completeness - As first step try to get diagonal of Status (self vs self) filled in and then take it from there - Other implementations may also post their request/response patterns - Globus is upgrading to the latest version of the specs and it might take a bit of time - There is no urgent deadline; just need to keep process moving ** Basic Security Profile - Core and Secure Channel - Provide key information and then use it to setup a secure channel - Have to provide same level of description as for the WSRF BP The two wiki pages for Core & Secure Channel should be combined ** WS-Naming There are some challenges for testing the unambiguous profile. It is difficult to test 'for all time' - Unambiguous reference address: all information to identify uniqueness comes from the address field. - Might be difficult since people seem to be using reference parameters (Globus and Unicore are in the same position) Action: Dave S to look into getting someone from Julich to participate (Unicore implementation) [Done by the F2F.] Delete NAREGI from the list; they cannot participate * Timeline - Wait until Globus comes to the OASIS spec level - Fill in at least two diagonal crosses * August F2F update - Agreed to move the Interoperability session to Wednesday morning so that people from Europe can dial in. * OGF21 update - Five sessions approved - One day F2F planned for the last day, Friday, probably at the Microsoft Redmond Campus