OGSA Teleconference - 12 July 2007 - Info model =============================================== * Participants Chris Kantarjiev (Oracle) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Adrian Toth (Univ of Miskolc) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) ZackK Minutes: Hiro Kishimoto * June 28 minutes accepted * Container model doc final review (Ellen Stokes) Ellen asks if there are any last minute change request except Hiro’s comments? WG discusses what is the recommendation for copyrights issue. ** copyrights issue Ellen explains how SNIA works with DMTF. - SNIA maintains their own MOF. - DMTF maintains CIM. Ellen believes that SNIA model should work for OGF, too. Mike Baskey, DMTF chair, says that OGF is the only org asking this copyrights dilemma. Ellen will talk to Mark Carlson, DMTF alliance VP, about this issue at DMTF F2F meeting next week. ** reference format Ellen will update reference format soon. ** OGF Editor submission Ellen asks if there are any other comments? Ellen has already made final call two week ago thus no farther final call is necessary. Ellen will clean up this document and pass it to Hiro. Hiro will bring to GFSG (our AD: Chris Kantarjiev). * Modeling guideline document update (Fred Machiel) Fred will update his document soon and will make a final call sometime around this weekend. * Modeling work next step (Ellen Stokes) ** OGSA/GLUE/RM collaboration Ellen will talk to Sergio (GLUE-WG) and Paul Strong (RM-WG) in Portland next week. Ellen will also attend RM-WG call tomorrow. Sergio will attend the call on behalf of GLUE-WG and explain GLUE model there. Ellen will report outcome of the discussion about OGSA/GLUE/RM collaboration July 26 call. ** Information services Adrian asks information services using this modeling? Ellen answers she does not cover client implementation yet. ** Nest week Ellen explains about DMTF partner alliance technical symposium in Portland next week. Glue session and technical committee meeting will be on Tuesday. OGSA info model, reference model, general alliance session is on Wednesday. And alliance committee meeting is on Thursday. Thus Ellen can make only first half of the OGSA call. Meeting adjourned.