OGSA Teleconference - 9 July 2007 - Glossary ============================================ * Participants Michael Berhens (R2AD) Dave Berry (NESC) Chris Kantarjiev (Oracle) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Jem Treadwell (HP) ZackK Minutes: Andreas Savva * Summary of New Actions AI-0709a: Dave Berry will review the OGSA Arch. 1.5 "Data section" against the OGSA Data Architecture document and estimate how much work is required to bring the two in sync AI-0709b: Andreas Savva will review the OGSA Arch. document and the new/updated glossary terms for consistency and estimate the work needed for bringing the OGSA Arch in sync with the Glossary. AI-0709c: Hiro will update the teleconference schedule to move the July 30 Glossary session to July 23 * Glossary Publication approach Jem described the main purpose of the glossary work; reconciliation with terms introduced/used by the EGA Reference Model. Since the reconciliation work has not extended to the OGSA Architecture the two documents are no longer in sync. The group discussed a number of ways to proceed: - Publish just the Glossary (out-of-sync with OGSA Arch.) - Leave the Glossary final draft as a stable group-internal version that will potentially require further work later; and publish in-sync with the next OGSA Arch version (no plan yet) - Errata release with updates in the OGSA Arch. just for consistency with the Data updates in the Glossary and leaving out the Reference model terms. - Minor release with updates to the Data section of the OGSA Arch. and consistent usage of Reference Model terminology; without further work on the Arch. document (this could be an errata release depending on the work needed) Jem said that the time he can commit to the Glossary is limited and he will not be able to continue as Glossary editor after this work is completed. The OGSA Data Architecture document is now in final review, which is expected to be completed within a few weeks. The goal is to finish public comment and have it published by OGF21 in October. Agreed that the group has to first get an estimate on the work needed to prepare a new minor release of the OGSA Arch. document before deciding on which option to choose. AI-0709a: Dave Berry will review the OGSA Arch. 1.5 "Data section" against the OGSA Data Architecture document and estimate how much work is required to bring the two in sync AI-0709b: Andreas Savva will review the OGSA Arch. document and the new/updated glossary terms for consistency and estimate the work needed for bringing the OGSA Arch in sync with the Glossary. Agreed to talk about publication options on the next call. The next call will be set for July 23 (swap with Logistics) and arraging it for the earlier slot if possible. AI-0709c: Hiro will update the teleconference schedule to move the July 30 Glossary session to July 23 * Action Item Review - Data access term to be updated as Hiro suggested to the list - AI-0611a: CLOSED. This topic will be on the agenda of the next call also. - AI-0611b: Jem has talked with Dave Snelling and Donal Fellows about the definition of State. CLOSED. - AI-0611c: Ongoing - AI-0611d: CLOSED * June 11 minutes approved with no changes