OGSA Teleconference - 28 June 2007 - Info model =============================================== * Participants Chris Kantarjiev (Oracle) Laurence Field (CERN) Felix Ehm (CERN) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Balazs Konya (Lund University) Donal Fellows (UMAN) Sergio Andreozzi (INFN) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) ZackK Minutes: Donal Fellows * June 7 minutes accepted * action items review See GLUE-WG minutes from 14 June - http://www.ogf.org/pipermail/glue-wg/2007-June/000070.html 1: draft use case docs: DONE, uploaded to Glue Wiki 2: Ellen to speak to rm-wg: NOT DONE 3: pull jds & ogsa on opening storage discussion: DONE but no response 4: upload Glue 1.3: DONE 5: coordinator(==Felix) introduce himself to telecon: DONE worries about SE schema being driven by SRM transfer relevant ogsa AIs to GlueWG: Agreed and closed at OGSA-WG side. * AI-0607a: Doug or Chris S to look at the use cases template and consider mapping the SAS use cases to this template. - Can be added to the wiki or mailed to the group. * AI-0607b: Doug to test if attributes on the Execution Environment can address the need for boolean capabilities. * Ellen's CIM doc progress draft 8 reflects progress so far now being balloted hoping for a "slam dunk" major change: how to define a container model object use Computer System specialize with profile (open Q: where to do profiling work, DMTF or OGF) on target for publish in Aug/Sept doc to go to WG Final Call; end date: July 12, 2007 please get comments to Ellen by EOB July 9, 2007 * glue 2.0 discussion getting comments/feedback need more work on storage element ALL: please send suggestions for places to advertise the use-case doc 2.0 draft: some questions about how to communicate which Computing Share (queue) to use during submission some bugs with picture rendering WGs to contact re storage element schema: OGSA-DATA OGSA-DMI OGSA-ByteIO What about relationship with CIM schema? Extension? Ellen is best person to talk to first Sergio is going to do presentation on Glue to DMTF Alliance Parter Technology Summit (July 17-21 Portland Oregon)