OGSA Teleconference - 18 June 2007 - Security ============================================= Attendees: Mark Morgan (UVa) Duane Merrill (UVa) Blair Dillaway (Microsoft) Steven Newhouse (Microsoft) David Chadwick (Kent U) Chris Kantarjiev (Oracle) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) ZackK Minutes: Duane Merrill Agenda Items: - Present the transition of these documents to target the WS-SecurityPolicy grammar (Duane Merrill) - Address any relevant trackers (Duane Merrill) Duane gave an overview of the transition from a Liberty-like security policy assertion mechanism for EPRs to a WS-SecurityPolicy based scheme. Ran through an example contained in all three profile documents that addresses components from each (Addressing, Transport, SOAP messaging). Discussion on whether or not to consolidate profile documents into one document. Pros: less "pointer chasing" to read. Cons: what to do about partial compliance, how to effect partial derivation for as-yet-to-be-created subprofiles, monolithic document paradigm inviting more policy-related complexity (such as AuthZ requirements). General consensus is to keep orthogonal ERP security profiling separate, lightweight. Discussion (spurred by comments from Frank, David, I believe) about adding/profiling mechanism for expressing AuthZ policy requirements (beyond simple credential/token-type statements), such as "You must be able to present a SAML token asserting your membership in group XYZ". While useful, consensus was that this type of profiling for EPR authZ policy should go into a separate profile for which separate conformance claims can be made. Because the documents were published earlier that afternoon, Duane recommended to the group that everyone review them and followup with discussion on the OGSAWG mailing list.