OGSA Teleconference - 11 June 2007 - Logistics ============================================== * Participants Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Chris Kantarjiev (Oracle) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Mark Morgan (UVa) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Jem Treadwell (HP) ZackK Minutes: Andreas Savva * Summary of New Actions AI-0611f: Dave S will use the HPC Profile wiki page as a starting point and produce a first draft for the interop wiki page, by the July 2 call AI-0611g: Jem will ask the people involved in the HP WSRF implementation about the possibility of taking part in the interop. AI-0611h: Once the wiki page is set up, Hiro will ask the IBM and HP OGF Board members for their teams to take part. * Minutes approved with no changes Mar. F2F data grid: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14322 Mar. F2F JSDL 2.0: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14327 Apr. 5 profile interop: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14390 Apr. 23 logistics: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14411 OGF20 profile interop: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14483 F2F EMS scenarios & logistics: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14536 May 21 logistics: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14553 * Review of Actions - AI-0915d: Obsolete; Closed. - AI-0314pm-a: Obsolete; Closed. - AI-0511c: In progress - AI-0511d: Hiro has issued the survey. He has received only 10 responses. Hiro will re-send the request and include who has replied so far * OGSA Primer - Agreed that the proposed structure of this document is fine. - Andrew is working on a new draft. He is updating the infrastructure section. He will upload a new draft by the next call. - The next review is set for the next general call * Profile Interoperability The target is make sure that the relevant specs (WSRF BP and BSP/BP) are done right. Need at least 2 participants but it is better with more. - There is commitment from 2 independent Unicore implementations - Globus is planning to release a summer update that will make them capable of taking part in this interop - UVA would like to participate for some but not all specs. For example, UVA would not want to do the BP - Secure Channel. Also the WSRF BP has some components such as notification that UVA might not be able to participate in. The next step would be to develop the scenarios: - Probably there is no need to list the SOAP messages in detail upfront. From previous efforts doing so is useful to get things working and can be done on the fly and as needed. - There is a proposed scenarios list in the presentation at OGF20 but this was not discussed due to lack of time The group discussed whether this interop could be done piecemeal. The main question is what is the additional burden of supporting the different options. The main issue was the security set up. Possibilities are 1. Use the security profiles---requires UVA to support those profiles 2. Anonymous ssl support---requires changes in some of the other implementations 3. Everyone provides plain http (no security) as a baseline for testing the WSRF BP---possibly the simplest option It should also be made clearer what will be claimed collectively; i.e., the report of the interop. It was proposed that this report be done along the same lines as that of the HPC Profile, with perhaps an escape clause of 'not tested' for those parts that some implementations do not want to participate in. Agreed for the principals to arrange a separate discussion on the reasons some have for not supporting BP - Secure Channel Other candidates for taking part in the interoperability are IBM and HP. They have WSRF implementations but it is not clear if they have implemented the security profiles. Hiro volunteered to ask them to take part but it was agreed to first make clear what the interop would involve. Agreed to set up a wiki page with all information needed for the interop. AI-0611f: Dave S will use the HPC Profile wiki page as a starting point and produce a first draft for the interop wiki page, by the July 2 call AI-0611g: Jem will ask the people involved in the HP WSRF implementation about the possibility of taking part in the interop. AI-0611h: Once the wiki page is set up, Hiro will ask the IBM and HP OGF Board members for their teams to take part. * New teleconference procedure Andreas explained the new approach of putting the entire teleconference schedule only in the calendar. No other document, or wiki page will be maintained for the schedule. This is to minimize the work of creating agenda, keeping things in sync, and to provide a single definitive place for the teleconference schedule including the agendas-in-progress. Public view is available via the gridforge OGSA-WG page in addition to icalendar subscriptions. Session leaders who have Google calendar accounts can get write access to the calendar by sending an email to Andreas with their Google calendar account name. Session leaders are urged to update their agendas directly in the calendar event description; or by sending email to Hiro. In either case the known agenda at any time is in the calendar event description. There was a problem with multiple reminder emails going to the list but that is now believed to be solved. * Summer F2F Hiro has booked the Fujitsu Sunnyvale facility and is working on confirming the hotel rate. Andrew probably cannot make the proposed dates. He will ask Mark and Duane to attend in his place. * Other discussion - Andrew and Mark will write up an agenda and lead the Thursday Service terms call. - Andreas will ask Steve McGough to provide an agenda for the Thurday Workflow session and to lead the session