OGSA-WG workflow session minutes ================================ 8 May 2007 Participants ------------ - as per session sign-in sheet Minutes: Michel Drescher Workflow -------- - Steve McGough gives an introductory presentation - Scope of OGSA workflow -- Error handling out -- Error detection in scope -- Graphical representation (visualisation) SHOULD be out of scope -- Cyclic declarations (i.e. dependencies) are out of scope - AI-0504: Get in contact with Taverna Drill use cases for cyclic dependancy declarations - How to do workflow -- Extend JSDL, BES etc. or -- use existing langauges on top of JSDL - Extending JSDL -- Pre and post conditions to a JSDL job - BPEL over JSDL - Presentation about OMII-JSDL (for workflow over JSDL) -- Liang Chen, UCL -- Processes (in workflow terms) are defined in BPEL lenguage -- Those processes are executed on a BPEL engine -- Use graphical BPEL designer -- Submite to Active BPEL -- Active BPEL executes encoded processes -- Invokes GridSAM job submission middleware -- Started out with one big BPEL document -- Break up into several sub-workflows -- sub-workflows organised (and invoked) hierarchically -- Tools available: --- BPEL Designer ---- Eclipse tool ---- Supports WS-BPEL 2.0 ---- Uses several Eclipse plugins (WTP, EMF, GEF ---- etc. -- ActiveBPEL --- Open SOurce BPEL engine --- sits on Axis/Tomcat --- Security: HTTPS, (OMII)WS-Security --- Performance: Scalable, stable, Thread optimised -- Questions: --- Did you try using different BPEL engines? --- The beauty is that BLEP workflow are exposed as web services --- But no, only one BPEL engine used --- Does BPEL support a binding to a more abstract workflow definition? ---- No. - Chris Kantarijev takes over, and hosts a discussion about workflows -- Chris explains the use case template available on the Twiki -- Which facilities do we have to provide? --- e.g. error detection and recovery -- How to drive the discussion and use cases? - Do you have a survey on existing standards? -- This seem to be the goal - WFXML (OASIS effort) has not been investigated yet - The group discusses the possible future directions -- The group may pick a standard, or pick and profile it, rather than standards - Users all do their individual things - However workflow features might be extracted that are commonly used - Put something together and have people bark at it? - The workflow effort seem not to move forward - But we might make it move forward - How about constraining the workflow scope down to things like -- Support (JSDL) job execution with data staging support -- This led to the effort to compile use cases - Does the group miss the stakeholders that would support the effort in OGSA? - Tools for proprietary solutions are available, and active users won't likely switch -- Therefore can we embed our efforts in this? - BPEL is out there and used as there semm nothing as good as defined as BPEL - Question: OGSA endorses BPEL, who's going to complain? -- Question hasn't really been answered, the discussion turned away - BPEL seem to follow a rather static model of job submission and resource location and discovery - Chris closes the session with further pointers to upcoming sessions in this event