OGSA-WG conference call ======================= 26 April 2007 <===== SLOT 2 =====> Participants ------------ Donal Fellows, UoM Steve McGOugh, IC Andreas Savva, Fujitsu Fabio Benedetti, IBM ZKert Hiro Kishimoto, Fujitsu Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Ravi Subramaniam, Intel Minutes: Michel Drescher <** Action Item summary from this call **> AI-0426a: Andreas to fill out the Use Case template for the very simple JSDL use case AI-0426b: Fabio to provide IBM's use case for workflows to the group on the wiki AI-0426c: Steve MCough to complete the Wiki with the OMII use case AI-0426d: Steve and Michel to ask Bill Nitzberg in more details about Altairs workflow use case AI-0426e: Steve/Michel to ask Chris Smith to come to the OGF20 OGSA workflow session Early discussion ---------------- - The call attendees reaches quorum. - Michel takes minutes - No new agenda poposals except Michel's mail on the OGSA-ML Workflow -------- - Minutes approval -- 27 March 2007: approved without changes -- 19 April 2007 (informal): approved without changes - Action item review -- AI-0314d: Andrew not on the call Andreas forwarded the mail summarising his discussion with Bill Nitzberg, Altair, to the OGSA-ML ==> action closed -- AI-0314e: Steve talked to OMII OMII prefers to adopt a preexisting workflow, such as BPEL, and mixes them with existing OGF specifications OMII proposes th totally evaluate BPEL before drafting our own language. ==> action closed - Agenda for OGF20 -- session owners (Chris, Steve, Michel) to update the agenda of OGF20 and adjacent F2F - Current status of workflow use cases -- The group discusses the status of the current use case submissions -- AI-0426a: Andreas to fill out the Use Case template for the very simple JSDL use case -- Fabio mentions that the OASIS TC that governs the BPEL process focuses on orchestration rather workflow(?) -- AI-0426b: Fabio to provide IBM's use case for workflows to the group on the wiki -- AI-0426c: Steve MCough to complete the Wiki with the OMII use case - Use cases review -- Altair use case: --- Bill is a board member, so he'll be at OGF20 --- AI-0426d: Steve and Michel to ask Bill Nitzberg in more details about Altairs workflow use case -- Platform use case: --- AI-0426e: Steve/Michel to ask Chris Smith to come to the OGF20 OGSA workflow session -- AI-0426f: Steve/Michel to invite the Workflow Management RG to the OGSA workflow session -- UNICORE: --- While discussing the UNICORE use case the group agrees to try to add a separation of workflow semantics (i.e. what is to be accomplished) and description (i.e. how this is put into a document) to the use case documents - Ravi asks whether the group is planning to introduce modifications to JSDL or not -- Yes and no - track on of the workflow design team is expected to not modify JSDL, but track two expects to probably *extend* JSDL to support workflows. - The group discusses possible future paths of the design team work and technologies, e.g. JSDL pre and post conditions - Ravi asks which concrete workflows track one is currently investigating -- At the moment this would only be BPEL as it deems the most stable and passable workflow language Any other business ------------------ - Next week is Japanese national holiday, so *no calls* next week, neither Monday nor Thursday - Hiro launched a Zoomerang on the Summer OGF F2F. -- So far only four people answered -- Hiro encourages the group to answer the Zoomerang