OGSA-WG conference call ======================= 26 April 2007 <===== SLOT 1 =====> Participants ------------ Hiro Kishimoto, Fujitsu Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Ellen Stokes, IBM Andreas Savva, Fujitsu Donal Fellows, UoM Minues: Michel Drescher Early discussion ---------------- - Call reaches no quorum, so the discussion continues informative - Michel will take notes - No requested agenda changes Info/data modelling ------------------- - Minutes approval -- 22 Feb 2007: approved without changes -- 15 March 2007 (F2F): approved without changes - Action item review -- no action items outstanding - The group discusses the agenda for the OGF20 slot -- Ellen to update the session agenda on the WEiki, also for the F2F slot - The group reviews the Container/service model document -- Ellen received no comments the last week since calling for comments on the OGSA ML -- Ellen hence started the usual DMTF socialisation process with the document. -- Hiro asks about the change of the [ch. 5.1.1] Container's former "IsOpen" attribute of type boolean into the attribute "ServiceCapabilities" or type bit map. -- Ellen explains that the type of "ServerCapabilities" is supposed to be an enum instead of a bit map. -- Hiro asks about the "int16" definition of the ServerCapabilities later in the document (line 236 to 239) -- The group failed to grasp Ellens explanations in the light of the pending formal change of the ServerCapabilities attribute type. The group decided to postpone this comment after the attribute's type has been updated in the document. -- Line 445: Hiro asks for the correct copyright years -- Ellen immediately fixes the copyright years to "2006-2007". -- Ellen plans to put the document into OGF Public Comment phase at the conclusion of OGF20.