OGSA WG teleconference ====================== 16 March 2007 Participants ============ Fred Brisard, CA (phone) Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Donal Fellows, UoM Andrew Grimshaw, UVa Chris Kantarijev, Oracle Hiro Kishimoto, Fujitsu Fred Maciel, Hitachi Steve McGough, IC Mark Morgan, UVa JP Navarro, TeraGrid (phone) Moris Rieddel, FZJ (phone) Andreas Savva, Fujitsu David Snelling, Fuitsu Thomas Soddemann, RZG (phone) Ellen Stokes, IBM (phone) Jay Unger, IBM ZKert Minutes: Michel Drescher 1. GIN Information Services =========================== - Morris walks the group through the document "GIN - Information Services and Schema" draft version 1.0 - Dave: Does GIN use Glue 1.3? -- Morris: GLUE will take into account all comments from the GIN effort. However, it seems that the production Grids these days seem to move into the CIM area -- Thomas Soddemann: It is important to retain interoperability and conertability between GLUE and CIM - Hiro mentions that OGF and OGSA do not want CIM and GLUE move into different directions that would result into non-interoperability - The GIN-INFO reflects the commonly used standards in participating Grids; this does not mean that the individual Grids do not also adhere to other Grid Standards - Andrew: How often are updates ocurring to the Information System? -- Morris: The Information System is a tree; for maintenance reasons, the tree architecture has been changed to the final architecture as given in the document - Andrew: Queries are run against the top level? -- Morris: If targetting the whole picture, one should do that, more narrow information is queried against the leafs in the tree - Andrew: Are the BDII implemented as WS Endpoints with port types etc? -- Morris: Not yet due to architectural issues in EGEE, but this is planned for the next couple of months -- Morris: For now it's LDAP searches, and data is converted to GLUE. - Morris talks about unique site identification (e.g. VO name) - Morris talks about lack of information, and how to deal with them - Andrew gives a brief excourse into the information model work currently taking place in OGSA - Andrew explains the current EMS model and proposes a possible wrap of the curent GIN BDII instances with a WS layer to enable use in OGSA - Andrew: Are the BDIIs actually used in day-to-day use, or have they been developed for SC06? -- Morris: BDII has more likely been used as a SC06 showcase. GIN phase 2 aims to change that - Morris: Which kind of information, speaking of attributes, is important for OGSA? -- Andrew: Certainly at the moment the attributes on the BES container are certainly a starting place -- Hiro: Ellen is writing her first draft of the OGSA Info model; and Ellen will share the draft with GIN INFO Morris (acts as proxy) - Morris: How to keep in touch? -- Hiro: We could forward the dial-in calls to GIN as required, or GIN staff could join the OGSA-ML - Hiro: There are several TBD sections; one is about OGSA-WG. Do you expect the OGSA-WG to provide text, or do you write it yourself? -- Morris: Help is appreciated, e.g. pointers to documents etc. As this is a GIN Experience doc, the effort would not be much anyway. - AI-0316a: Andrew Grimshaw to get use cases for Innformation Services from two points of view: a) from the querier point of view b) from the Information Service point of view - Andrew: How to actially populate an Information Service with Data? -- What about information "freshness"? -- Jay: Information certification? 2. OGSA general session ======================= OGSA leadership --------------- - Tom is currently co-chair of OGSA-WG - Tom thinks about stepping down as co-chair - A replacement is necessary to look for - The candidate should come from a different company or affiliation - The candidate should: -- Be already be engaged in the OGSA process -- Disparate timezone may be convenient for sharing call load -- Steve McGough has been informally proposed -- Steve Newhouse has been informally propoosed -- Chris Kantarijev has been informally propoosed --- would bring in the EGA point of view -- Andrew Grimshaw has been informally proposed --- Andrew is heavily involved as AD already --- Andrew put less administrative contribution into OGSA but much more technical work -- A Globus candidate would be a very good choice, also politically -- Draft a GIN person (--> ask Erwin Laure) -- Ellen Stokes has declined -- Jay Unger has declined -- AI-0316b: Hiro to contact the proposed candidates offline, also GIN and Globus -- Would be worth to wait until after the general OGF management shuffle in April/May this year Wiki Experience --------------- - Jay states the Wiki experience has been quiite positive over the time - Wiki has a lot of interactivity built-in - OGSA has the reputation as process pioneer - How about start working on real documents in the Wiki, and then export them to Word document format? - Proposed experiment: -- Meeting agendas are on the Wiki -- Still send out calendar invitations, but have them just link to the Wiki page - The group concludes to explore further the options and possibilities of the Gridforge Wiki Meeting management ------------------ - The group discusses the session planning for OGF20 and the back-to-back F2F - The group decides to request sessions today, and decide on the agendas later - The group discusses which hotel to stay at -- No decision today Telecon timeslot in summertime ------------------------------ - The group agrees on the schedule as follows: -- Monday: 3pm - 5pm PST -- Thursday: 6am - 8am PST - The group discusses the topics for the next telecons Summer F2F ---------- - The group did not reach consensus about the date of the Summer F2F - The group did not reach consensus about the location of the Summer F2F - AI-0316c: Hiro to launch Zoomerang on the date and location for the Summer F2F