OGSA F2F Interim Meeting 17 - Day 2 =================================== March 16, afternoon General session * Participants Dave Snelling Chris Kantarjiev Jay Unger Ellen Stokes Allen Luniewski Fred Maciel Michel Drescher Steve McGough Donal Fellows Hiro Kishimoto Mark Morgan Andrew Grimshaw Frank Siebenlist Andreas Savva Dial in: Duane Merrill Minutes: Andreas Savva * General discussion ** Document Schedule review - Schedule updates made to powerpoint slides by Hiro - Discussion on using wiki for document development in the context of the "Information Modeling in OGSA" document. - Need to define guidelines for use and relation to document publication. ** Interoperability Hiro drew up table with specs vs groups willing to take part in an interoperability. - Identified who leads the creation of the test cases for each specification * OGSA Security - Authentication Additional Dial in: Fred Brisard, Nate Klingenstein Minutes: Dave Snelling, Andreas Savva Andrew's presentation 1) Objectives (from Andrew's slides): - A simple profile, a la the HPC profile security section, to enable authenticated interaction between OGSA components - Based on existing profiles - Not compete with OGSA-AuthN-WG - Work with existing authentication evironments (GIN) - Don't recklessly alienate anyone - Don't deal with general delegation problem - AuthZ out of scope 2) Recap of how we got here: - HPC profile demo at SC highlighted that we are now at a stage where it makes sense to do OGSA service interop - Can't do interop for real without dealing with authN - Discussion amongst Grimshaw, Snelling, McQuire, and other un-indicted co-conspirators on need to keep it light-weight and non-controversial - OGSA Teleconfs on scope of OGSA-AuthN-WG - Strawman generated by Genesis II group - On-line discussion -- surprisingly (to me), no flaming Frank and Blair commented 3) See email from Dwaine and discussion document. 4) Key Questions Do we do this? - Why isn't OGSA Secure Channel? - Was too strict for HPC Profile. - It gives us communication, but we need to pass some other token on to the next entity. - Mapping credentials work in all existing grid environment. - This proposal is not exclusive of Secure Channel, could be advertised in EPRs. - Question called - By Dave Snelling. - Confirmed that we don't do delegation. - This might not provide details of the semantics, but would provide wire interoperability. - Consider mandating several fields in a SAML token as part of the profile. - Need use cases more clearly defined. - We need to continue to sync with AuthN. - Rough (but not unanimous) consensus achieved to proceed. 5) Next Steps - Agreed to start work on such a 'quick' Authentication profile - Develop use cases: - Volunteers or people to contact: Andrew et al, HPC Profile (Andrew to talk to them), Frank (review), Michel Drescher (Unicore), (Steve McGough) GridSam, - Not a separate document - Contact GIN about existing (delegation free) use cases. (Andrew to contact Erwin Laurie) - Present Straw man to the OGSA Group. (before OGF20) - Target interop at OGF21 - Publication by Jan 2008 - Party at OGF2x 6) Document Schedule - Draft by May 1 - PC Oct 2007 - Published Jan 2008 7) Random comments: - Use WS-Sec plus WS-Trust as the basis of this profile. - AuthN is more interested in the contents of the Token, so OGSA can do this with out disrupting AuthN use. - Use the EPR to advertise the requirements. - We would need to define the semantics of any token we send, even in this simple profile, but this may rat hole the discussion.