OGSA F2F ======== 15 March 2007 Particiipants ============= Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Fabio Benedetti, IBM (phone) Fred Brisard, CA (phone) Donal Fellows, UoM Andrew Grimshaw, UVa Chrs Kantarijev, Oracle Hiro Kishimoto, Fujitsu Allen Luniewski, IBM Steven McGough, IC Mark Morgan, UVa Andreas Savva, Fujitsu David Snelling, Fujitsu Ellen Stokes, IBM Ravi Subramaniam (phone) ZKert 1. JSDL ======= - Andreass gives an update on JSDL - same sliddeset as given at OGF19 - Andrew: There are a number of BES and hence JSDL implementations out there -- This "user base" must be respeccted - Andrew iterates on the DataStaging element in JSDL 1.0 and its semantics -- How does this influence JSDDL 2.x? -- current implementation is an easy way to describe dat preconditions and data postconditions -- The group discusses the different approaches on --- pre-/post-conditions --- requirements/cappabilities -- Andrew proposes that pre- and post-conditions are separate elements in a JSDL document sibling to requirements/capabilities -- Which information should be in requirements, and which in pre-conditions? -- Fabio: Concerns expressed about how one job can express a dependency upon the completion of a second job -- Andreas: roll out proposed new JSDL features as extensions to V1.x. Use this as a means to test proposed new JSDL features and then will be in a better position to define JSDL V2 - Jay: Propose to publish a draft of JSDL2 -- new namespace, new schema -- selected new elements of JSDL 2 get back ports to JSDL 1.x - The group agrees to nail down a very early draft of JSDL 2.0 -- the specification for JSDL 2.0 will contain non-normative text, i.e. immplementation notes, rationales, etc. - Jay: Propose to provide an XSLT that converts a JSDL 1.x section into JSDL 2.x requirements -- Rationale in this should include pointers to tooling that would help users creating the XQuery - Andreas: Propose to allow non-XQuery requirements - Andreas continues to give a mind map based overview about the issues for JSDL 2 2. Information Model ==================== - Ellen introduces a draft set of XML tags for the Information Model -- Ellen provides some background information about info model work in BES and GLUE schema - Dave: What's the virtue of using/starting out with the GLUE schema? -- Ellen: GLUE has been around for a while in Grid context, and fairly wide adopted -- political opportunity to tag team with the GLUE-WG in OGF - The group discusses the benefits and drawbacks why to start off on GLUE or not - The group takes the GLUE schema 1.3 and starts to modify selected elements to the Information Model needs -- This is not so much as to modify GLUE 1.3 but more of a profile excercise to further the Information Model work for a concrete tag list