OGSA-WG teleconference minutes ============================== 22 February 2007 Participants ------------ Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Andrew Grimshaw, UVa Chris Kantarijev, Oracle Hiro Kishimoto, Fujitsu Mark Morgan, UVa Andreas Savva, Fujitsu David Snelling, Fujitsu Ellen Stokes, IBM Jay Unger, IBM Minutes: Michel Drescher SESSION ONE =========== 1) Early discussion ------------------- - Minute taker chosen - No changes to the agenda requested 2) Information model discussion ------------------------------- Logistics - 25 Jan telecon minutes approved without changes - OGF19 info model session minutes approved without changes - Action Items review -- no action items for Information model BES Container Model document - The group discusses the implications of the BES specification being delayed from entering Public Comment on the BES Container model document authored by Ellen - Ellen wold like a nudge on Andrew to pass over his comments so that the BES Container model can be finished. - Andrew outlines the curent status of the BES document, outstanding comments and his expectations that the document may enter PC after the call today (11 am eastern) Semantic Grid, RDF and OWL in OGSA - Ellen reports on her activities researching the applicability of RDF/OWL and Semantics in relation ot OGSA - Ellen considers RDF/OWL very suitable for OGSA - However, tooling and implementation support seem not mature yet to start going down that route. - Jay expresses his concerns whether RDF/OWL will still allow for the current Information Model proposal to be used as devised (wrt to properties advertisement and retrieveal using WSRF, WSRF etc.) - David describes his experience with mapping resource properties to RDF triplets (subject is the resource, predicate is the property QName, and the object property value) - Andrew and Dave express their support for Ellens viewpoint not to step into RDF right now -- However, we should keep being gnostic about this for the future - Jay expresses his concerns about the time WS standards spent maturing, i.e. WS-Security, and projects RDF maturing about the next ten years - Jay recommends the group gaining experience using the matching technology as devised in the current Information Model proposal - The group discusses the details of the current Info Model proposal -- How to model and express dimensionality (e.g. RAM size, usage, partitioning etc., or e.g. a software resource deployed everywhere but only 5 runtime licenses are available) - The Information Model needs to reflect and address the triangular problem space spanning resource selection, resource reservation, and resource consumation in real life - The group discusses whether to stick with the current technology selection or to keep discussing and research most appropriate tools and technologies - Chris mentions that SML is pushed down the standardisation road through W3C