OGSA WG teleconference Thursday 15 Feb 2007 Slot 1, -7:00-08:00 Centtral US time Attending: Hiro Kishimoto Andreas Savva Andrew Grimshaw Alan Sill 1) Early discussion (10 min) Note taker assignment - Alan Sill Roll call - as above Agenda bashing - Andrew suggested an alternate agenda / list of topics as in 2) below: 2) Security discussion (Alan Sill and Andrew Grimshaw 50 min) OGF19 security session minutes approval - https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14164 Deferred due to current lack of quorum. Security action item review also referred to later meeting. Andrew proposed the following topics for further work and discussion a. Need for short-term decision on basic client authentication. b. Need for rapid agreement on how to indicate authentication methods that are supported by a service. c. Longer term discussion on authentication and delegation (OGSA- AuthN/AuthZ). d. Discussion on HPC profile in context of above. This is a long-term list, so discussion can only start here. Andrew explained that the HPC profile group included username/ password access to allow for the range of practice that they saw in use in clusters used in industry. The underlying systems in use in industry often use this in preference to other mechanisms (X.509, Kerberos, etc.) that are available. Alan agreed that this is valuable input. One approach would be to accept the HPC profile as input into the OGSA-AuthN Community Practice document, along with input from the Levels of Assurance RG. The goal at hand is to define the relationship between various security approaches and profiles and the OGSA definition of keys and tokens to be used in web services. GSI appears to be the base for implementations of most academic and large-scale international grids (EGEE, LCG, Open Science Grid, etc.) for access to both pre-WS and WS- based grid services. A short-term action item would be to locate and document the standards that underly such implementations. Other near-term action items: - Andrew will contact Ian Foster to obtain references for any standards or implementation reference documents that underly GSI and GRAM4. - Alan will contact Jim Basney to find references he referred to in the OGSA-AuthN OGF-19 session. Hiro proposed moving the security discussions to Monday afternoons (Central time) to enable wider participation. This was agreed.