OGSA telephone conference ========================= 25 January 2007 Participants ------------ Hiro Kishimoto, Fujitsu Ellen Stokes, IBM Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Andreas Savva, Fujitsu Chris Kantarijev, Oracle Steve McGough, Imperial College Alan Sill, University of Texas Jem Treadwell, HP Andrew Grimshaw, UoV Donal Fellows, UoM Bahareh Rahmanzadeh Minutes: Michel Drescher 1) Early discussion =================== - Telecon minutes approval -- 22 Jan 07 approved without modifications - Action Items status review -- see below - Agenda bashing -- Alan Sill would like to talk about the recent development on authentication --- Hiro schedules this topic for today's agenda item on OGF19 planning 2) OGF19 sessions update ======================== - OGSA security session -- A lot of discussions about HPC profile, OGSA seccurity and Authentication -- Involved persons are invited to the OGSA security session at OGF19 -- Alan Sill has a discussion with Blair Dillaway about this --- Blair and Alan seem being on the same page with respect to authentication -- we should reach an agreement in the security session to separae the currently involved documents in an agreed way -- Security relatedd documents need consensus, support and contributions across OGF working groups -- Alan will talk separately to involved parties (particularly Blair Dillaway) in the OGSA-AuthZ session on Monday morning inviting them to the OGSA security session - The group briefly discusses the session agendas of the remaining OGSA sessions - Logistics discussion (new conf call structure etc.) are added to the agenda of OGSA session 2. If this won't work, this discussion will overflow into the agenda of OGSA session 3. 3) March F2F update =================== - Most preferrable date seem be 13 - 15 March - Location seem to be preferred as well - date of F2F will not be 27-29 March. - The group will discuss the final date and location at OGF19, session 2 or 3. 4) BES container model document review ====================================== - Thee group discusses the document "Container and Basic Execution Service Model in OGSA" - Yesterday's changes of the BES document change needs to be checked against this document - Any other comments please sen to Ellen 5) Wrap up (10 min) =================== - no other business to discuss Action Items ============ January 25 call -------------- January 22 call --------------- 18 January call --------------- AI-0118a: Jay Unger to provide a definition of state (for the glossary) --> open AI-0118b: Ellen, Tom and Jay to look at WS-Policy nd assess any overlap with the current XQuery efforts --> open AI-0118e: Andrew to draft invitation mail and publish to the list (and to specific people) to draw attention to the OGSA Workflow session --> open AI-0118f: Michel to invite A-Ware and other EU projects for BPEL coverage at OGF19 OGSA session 5 --> closed 15 January call --------------- AI-0115a: Ellen will send out the link to a DMTF feedback template form. --> closed AI-0115b: Ellen will summarize the review of the DMTF documents and review the text at a future call. --> closed. Th document review is scheduled for the OGSA session 4 at OGF19 30 November 2006 call --------------------- AI-11.30a: Michel to talk with Tom and Ellen on how to go about documenting his current proof of concept in the Info model Arch doc. --> open, call has been scheduled 9 November 2006, F2F -------------------- AI.11.09.pm-a: Ellen and Tom to write up a "Information Model profile document: BES Container" --> open, call scheduled for tomorrow afternoon AI.11.09.pm-c: Andrew to produce a document drafting the definition of QoS --> open AI.11.09.pm-d: Andrew to contact the HPCP WG regarding future involvement to create profile(s) on, e.g. BES, JSDL etc. --> open 15 September 2006, F2F ---------------------- AI-0915d: Tom will post BP base faults issue to tracker --> open 17 August 2006 call ------------------- AI-0817a: Dave Berry and Jay Unger will approach groups (GIN, Globus, etc) that have implemented practical grids and start a discussion on how they handle data: - how data is treated as a resource that can be scheduled - how transfers are modeled - how files are advertised - how applications find files (query, by knowledge,?) (Due Oct. 9) --> open 20 July 20 2006, F2F EGR-WG (Ravi) will contact Geoffrey Fox and invites him to contribute use cases --> open Andreas to go through the minutes and formulate a reply mail to Geoffrey on each artifact covered in these minutes. --> open Postponed: ---------- Until next reference model call (Jan. 22nd): AI-1023c: Tom volunteered to review Hiro's HPC Cluster use case slides and make appropriate changes to indicate where the CIM Profile would fit in and how it would link into the Reference Model. AI-1023d: Paul will add more items to list on slide 6 of the HPC Cluster use case AI-1023g: Hiro will look at other parts of slide 5 and identify further possible refinements of this use case.