OGSA-DMI teleconference ======================= 2 May 2007 Participants ------------ Allen Luniewski, IBM Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Minutes: Michel Drescher 1) Early discussion ------------------- - Telecon minutes approvals -- 18 April 07: Approved without modifications 2) OGF20 -------- - Allen won't be able to dial in as the sessions are too early for US/Pacific -- Sessions are Monday morning, 11am and 2pm - Sessions will be dedicated to working on the Functional Specification - Michel plans to have slides for the first session, covering the introduction to OGSA-DMI for session tourists etc. 3) Functional Specification --------------------------- - Review of the Functional Specification draft 11 ended just before ch. 3.3.1 (Roles) - Detailed discussion about Security, Authentication, Authorisation, Trust, and the definite scope for OGSA-DMI - Further details are reflected ini editorial changes and comments in the Functional Specification draft 12 4) Wrap up ---------- - No other business