OGSA Teleconfererence - 27 November 2006 ======================================== * Participants Jay Unger (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Alan Sill (TTU) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Chris Kantarjiev (Oracle) Chris Jordan (SDSC) Michael Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Minutes: Andreas Savva * November 6 teleconference minutes approved with no changes * November 20 informal teleconference minutes---agreed that approval is not needed since the call was not formally started * Action item review - AI.11.09.pm-a: Closed. It is on the (deliverables) document plan. Ellen will be providing an updated draft for Information Model for Thursday. [Note this is a separate document.] - AI.11.09.pm-b: Closed. This is an action for BES WG and has been initiated. - AI-0817a: Ongoing, but running out of ideas on how to proceed. - Jay has talked with some companies working in this space but they do not want to share information at this time. - Jay will talk with Dave Berry and if there is no way forward will close this action. - AI-1023d: Closed. - AI-1023f: Closed. - AI-0914a, AI-0913a, AI-0913b, AI-0913c, AI-0913e, AI-0913f, AI-0913g, AI-0831e, AI-0831f: Closed. - These are in the EMS Scenarios document tracker. * OGSA roadmap v1.1 update Led by Chris Jordan. Many updates based on discussion at F2F. Some remaining issues: - Review the WS Appendix including new version of figure - Update the open source section - Update the excel sheet and details of various documents - Jem volunteered to offer technical assistance with the spreadsheet if needed. - Still unsure of the HPC Use Case schedule. - Chris J will ask Marty directly - No update about the DMI abstract spec type yet. Chris J to contact Michel Drescher. Added new issues to the tracker and updated old ones to bring tracker up to date. Jem has received some comments from Olegario by private email and has forwarded them to Chris J. They should be put in the tracker. Jem volunteered to look through the document and provide feedback after the latest draft is uploaded to gridforge. Chris Jordan has the pen for the next revision. The team has started using the tracker. The status value definitions are not easily available however. Andreas explained that the values are set up in the pull down menu in the order that they should be traversed. Unfortunately there is no space (like in the old gridforge) to put an explanation of the values in the tracker summary view. AI-1127a: Andreas will put the Status value definitions in the wiki. He will also check with Joel/Andre if there is a way to put them in the tracker summary view as in the old gridforge (looks unlikely). Discussed where to put deferred issues, or issues for the next version. Should a new tracker be created? - Andreas asked for such issues to be put in the current 1.1 tracker with Status 'Deferred'. At a later point the Roadmap tracker will be re-organized in the same way as the Glossary tracker. * F2F and SC06 debriefing - Good discussions at the F2F - Have to look further into the concerns raised with the relation between modeling in OGSA and DMTF; OGSA matching work and the WS-Policy framework; and the broader systems modeling work. Agreed that the current xquery work should continue but there is a clear need to identify likely future problems in this area. AI-1127b: Jay/Tom/Ellen will do some exploratory work on the modeling/matching/ws-policy relationship/overlap and potential issues and bring back to the group by the next OGF meeting latest. (Or a teleconf before that.) - The HPC Profile interoperability demos at SC06 went well and received good publicity. There was also good discussion session at the UK E-Science booth about next steps in this area. ** Thursday morning minutes approved no changes AI-1109am-a: Ellen and Tom will review the error code/faults issue further with a view to put a proposal forward to DMTF. - Ellen will try to include this in next draft of Container modeling ** Thursday afternoon minutes approved no changes ** Friday morning minutes approved no changes ** Friday morning minutes approved no changes. * EMS Architecture Scenarios document review Led by Andreas Savva. The draft uploaded to gridforge is the same as that reviewed at the F2F. Andreas went though the main changes. An updated version is being prepared. - Issues are in the tracker. Most are done or close to being finished. - Some longer term work is in the tracker and marked 'deferred' for the next version. - Hiro volunteered to review the fixed issues and close them for the next draft. Discussed whether a separate glossary should be maintained for this document. Andreas and Jem will discuss offline and merge the common terms in the OGSA Glossary 1.x. - The OGSA Glossary should be referenced. - EMS in this document should be expanded at least once The aim is for a final document review at the next scheduled review (2 weeks time). * OGSA secure channel document final review Agreed to go through with a review even though the main author (Takuya Mori) was not present. - l.149 and other places: extending WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 is not correct. It should by extending WS-I Basic Security Profile 1.0 - l.163: Change claim URI: bsp to sp and ggf to ogf - Some typos corrections (spelling etc) - Delete XML-Signature from references (not used) - Added comment asking OGF Editor to update the reference to BSP - Core to the final GFD number. - Appendix A: Discussed if all four specs are really used and agreed they are. - Table 6 needs the addition of the four documents listed in Appendix A - Fixed typos in Caption of Table 6 - Looked at the ciphersuite tables and agreed they look ok. The draft looks very close to completion. Hiro will send the draft revised on the call to Andreas for a final check; and then back to Takuya. It should be possible to go to final call soon. * Next calls There are no calls scheduled next week. Andreas volunteered to chair calls next week if there are topics people wish to discuss (and quorum can be achieved).