OGSA-16 F2F =========== 9 November 2006 Afternoon session Participants: Fabio Benedetti, IBM Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Andrew Grimshaw, UVa Chris Kantarijev, Oracle (phone) Hiro Kishimoto, Fujitsu, Fred Maciel, Hitachi Tom Maguire, EMC Mark Morgan, UVa Steve McGough, Imperial College Andreas Savva, Fujitsu Ellen Stokes, IBM Jay Unger, IBM (phone) Service Integratioon(?) ======================= - The group discusses the details of Profile work -- THere are diffferences in how the term Profile is actually used between different organisaitons such as DMTF, OGF, etc. - Tom Maguire proposes to use the BES specification as an exmple and how to do serviice integration. - Tom outlines the process how DMTF creates profiles - How does this impact OGSA-WG as of what to do next? -- Two options: --- Update the service model in DMTF (which is at best tangential if not parallel to OGSA-WG work) --- Take the Container model and turn it into a normative specification ---- on a service interface and a profiled information model -- A new document is added to the list of group deliverables --- Information Model Profile: BES Container document, in style of DMTF ---- Ellen Stokes, Tom Maguire ---- No particular document type, rather a proof-of-concept --- Take BES as a protocol specification, and add an information model profile as message specification --- The document is actually a profile on the Information Model, with associated protocol binding documents. -- There needs explanation within the OGF community what this document effort assumes to produce - The group reaches consensus that this said document will probably inform the "Information Modelling in OGSA" work effort, or even provide contents for this Future Profiles Discussion ========================== - How does the HPCP affects BES, and how does it guide how future profiles work? - What other profiles after HPCP are actually necessary? - The HPCP is a collection of constraints of a set of existing specs to implement a particular use case - Andrew presents his thoughts on the current HPCP work and related issues: -- uses a version that started out as v26, but got evolve during interop efforts -- The group discusses the details and intricacies of experience documents regarding the HPCP interop experiences --- Whether to have one document reflecting the viewpoints of every participant or rather having individual -- Ellen proposes that, during next week at SC06, one "journalist" takes a list of questions to ask each participant of the HPCP interop (~15 min) --- Compile a document out of that --- The list of questions are [Ask Andrew for these questions] -- AI.11.09.pm-b: Andrew Grimshaw to persuade the BES group that the BES spec version used for the interop should be the very one that is returned to the ADs to get published -- Waiting on AuthN would take too long for having a seccurity profile that addresses the current short comings now --- This would not be part of the BES WG work --- This profile needs to address stage in and stage out (wide area scope) --- Basic AuthN is really necessary to be part of this profile --- RNS and ByteIO should be part of that profile, too OGSA EMS Architecture Scenarios =============================== - Andreas Savva presents the document version 1.0 draft 11pre1 (8 November 2006) -- Andreas focuses on the changes since the last version from GGF18 -- For each scenario, the docment layout changed to introduce: --- Assumptions --- Entities --- Description of the scenario itself --- Referenced specifiications -- The document limits to specifications that have been published already, or are in the last stage(s) before publication -- The group discusses the differences (whether a role, and interface or something else) between a User Agent and a Job Manager --- For example, Platform might want to implement a Job Manager that exposes itself as a Batch Queue but implements that functionality using BES behind the scenes. -- The group discusses differences and applicability of various modelling approaches (e.g. Service Oriented Architeccture, Event Driven Architecture, etc.) -- The goup discusses the semantics of the BES operation "TerminateActivity" and the correct response value. -- Deployments of applications are synchronous, but can be used many times afterwards -- What is the relationship between BES, Application Deployment, and Information Model reporting? - We basically make no statement about who is responsible for various pieces, just that they have side effects that may be of interest to job managers, BESs, etc. - Andrew raises the point that CDL is very powerful, but also very complex, after having done a survey of different deployment solutions -- However there is no CDL tooling available at all -- Therefore UVa leans away from CDL and more towards exploiting ACS -- This extends to a general group discussion about CDL and the relationship with other deploymennt frameworks - Hiro states that the CDDLM WG is ramping down their activity (e.g. the chairs have resigned or are about to resign). -- Hiro is concerned that the envisioned OGSA work on provisioning and deployment may not be accomplished due to those difficulties with the CDDLM WG - The group reaches consensus that the CDDLM WG should be contacted that OGSA will relax their tight CDDLM usage to be able to support currently existing deployment solutions. EMS Future ========== - Andrew presents a summary of thoughts on EMS future - What are the future works in OGSA on EMS? -- Workflows, is JSDL woking on this? -- QoS? -- Provisioning "beyond BLAST" -- Accounting/"money" in general? -- Factory design patterns in terms of a lot, but not all activities of services come into existence through some type of factory instantiation? -- Take Event-driven Architecture into account - The group discusses issues around workflow and effects on the future of OGSA, BES, JSDL etc. - Tom suggests to look at the grand unification of Eventing and Notification(?) - AI.11.09.pm-c: Andrew to produce a document drafting the definition of QoS - AI.11.09.pm-d: Andrew to contact the HPCP WG regarding future involvement to create profile(s) on, e.g. BES, JSDL etc. Action Item Summary =================== AI.11.09.pm-a: Ellen and Tom to write up a "Information Model profile document: BES Container" AI.11.09.pm-b: Andrew Grimshaw to persuade the BES group that the BES spec version used for the interop should be the very one that is returned to the ADs to get published AI.11.09.pm-c: Andrew to produce a document drafting the definition of QoS AI.11.09.pm-d: Andrew to contact the HPCP WG regarding future involvement to create profile(s) on, e.g. BES, JSDL etc.