OGSA Teleconference - 2 November 2006 ===================================== * Participants Ellen Stokes (IBM) Donal Fellows (UoM) Chris Kantarjiev (Oracle) Donal Fellws (UoM) Mike Behrens (R2AD) Michel Drescher (Fujitsu) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) David Groep (NIKHEF in Amsterdam) Takuya Mori (NEC) Jay Unger (IBM) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Alan Sill (TTU) Andrew Grimshaw (uVA) Jem Treadwell (HP) Minutes: Michael Behrens * Minutes Approval - Minutes for Oct 30 Minutes, Approved without modifications * November F2F (OGSA16) update The latest version is on the wiki http://forge.gridforum.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.ogsa-wg/wiki/2006NovF2F - Agenda Updated. Security thurs AM, etc. See Updated on WIKI. Reviewed schedule during telecon. Expect F2F to end at 4pm Friday. * SML Profile Education Discussion - Ellen opened a discussion on rules for briefing on SML education/information session. Microsoft's Web Service Workshop rules apply, meaning They can talk by no feedback allowed unless OGF signs a form (which is not permitted). Alternative is to wait until formal submission, maybe early next year (1qtr). IPR related perhaps. General agreement that it would be good to hear related technologies. No reason not to get an information session - and can then discuss with OGSA after the session is over. Consensus: Proceed with info session. AI-1102a: Hiro to ask whole group by email if it is OK to have one-way (presentation only, no discussion) SML session on future telecon. * Action Item Review [Only items with updates or discussion are listed below] AI-1030b: Closeable. DMTF Document could go anytime, however suspect early 2007. Getting reviews done by Jan, that would be okay. Work Register updated. AI-1030c: Closeable. Ellen Stokes sent a copy to Mark Carlson and to mailing list/web page. Open for Comments. Review next Monday. AI-0921c: Closeable. Telephone calls made yesterday. Talking (David's). * EMS Architecture scenarios review Andreas updated group with documentation status: Data Staging scenario and CDL sections needs integration with write-up (still waiting). Hiro prefers to go with current content on CDL section. A: Some changes already agreed on (i.e. environment variables). Donal will provide scenario update, not sure if it will make it in this version or not. Simple version already present. Agreed that next version probably will refine that EPS/CDL scenario. Andreas will be putting some items in tracker and will send out version for review next week. He will be working on Job Manager requirements. Full review should be available at the F2F. * Security Discussion - Security Profile discussion Takuya provided review of changes/modifications to Basic Security Profile 1.0 and uploaded the document with comments from Andreas. These changes were reviewed during the telecon. Namespace question raised: It was changed to be compliant with GFD.58, comments in document reflect need to make consistent which Takuya will address. WS-Addressing version discussed. Takuya will update to reflect 2005/08 version. Consensus to bring to editor: No Objections. AI-1102b: Takuya to file revised BSP core draft to OGF Editor project with Hiro's help. - Secure Channel Profile Takuya described the status of the latest version of TLS (1.1) which was considered by Basic Security Profile WG in WS-I. There are some issues with it and therefore the group will not refer to the TLS 1.1 and instead will refer to TLS 1.0. The changes between the 1.1 and 1.0 are minor. Therefore, secure channel profile must also refer to 1.0 of the TLS specification. This was determined by reviewing the member's only Issue List and that version 1.0 is WG approval. Alan raised a concern with globus team interfaces: pass validation and secure datagram packets (UDP). Working software only achievable with recent versions. OpenSSL. Alan will check with others who are concerned with this issue. Takuya pointed out that there is a new TLS conformance URI, so some small changes may be required. He shall send out Secure Channel next week for review and then final call. AI-1102c: Takuya to revise and send out Secure Channel for review. * InfoModel Discussion Ellen discussed the few changes to made to the Container model document - updated UML to reflect changes in section 3 - Some other minor changes to other sections WS-SIM work XML changes will be incorporated (section 6). Jay asked if XML mapping should be the starting point for simplification to a simpler ontology? Yes - agreed that it is a good idea to use simple abstraction model. Ellen will use a BES example next week. Expects owners of resources to create XML. This initial example will help. Will update template to use OGF. * CIM Profile Specification Reviewed slides on CIM Profile Spec: CIM & SMI-S Profiles. Defer to F2F for details for Tom to discuss. Discussion on need to be able to express additional semantics - a next level per-se, as the schema has different meaning based on its context. Overall - looks like good synergy between CIM and SNIA. Many other profiles on DMTF website. Profiles range in size and scope (i.e.: Boot process to Desktop Management: 10-200 pages variance). Ellen suggests that we might want to consider modular profiles with an overarching profile to tie them together. Sub-Profiles perhaps which we can leverage and do what is best for OGF. Example Profiles are available at: http://www.dmtf.org/standards/profiles Template is available (see management profile page). * Other Items F2F Next week. Jem: Glossary Discussion - no feedback, will incorporate and discuss on Monday. Need to ensure EGA folks are represented Monday's call. AI-1102d: Hiro to send an email to arrange best time for glossary. Next Monday call: also discuss DMTF Work Register