OGSA Teleconference - 30 October 2006 ===================================== * Participants Chris Jordan (SDSC) Chris Kantarjiev (Oracle) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Mark Morgan (UVa) Tom Roney (NSCA) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Alan Sill (TTU) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) Jay Unger (IBM) Apologies: Dave Snelling, Michel Drescher, Tom Maguire Minutes: Andreas Savva * October 26 minutes approved with minor changes - Explanatory changes proposed by Alan S - Minor formatting changes by Hiro K * Action Item Review [Only items with updates or discussion are listed below] AI-0915a: - Andreas is working on putting together a list. - Ellen will check if an IBM person can also give a BPEL overview, possibly at the F2F * Postponed CIM Profile education session for Thursday's call * November F2F (OGSA16) update The latest version is on the wiki http://forge.gridforum.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.ogsa-wg/wiki/2006NovF2F - Agreed to the following changes: - Move the Security session to Thursday morning to allow other participants (David Chadwick) to dial in. - Move part of Info model to Thursday afternoon - Shorten EMS roadmap to 30 minutes - Make the SML education session 1 hour - It is too early to consider adopting SML since it is not in a standards body. But it is a good idea to get an overview. - Ellen will try to get the right person to give this overview - Friday morning session needs more refinement. - As discussed on the JSDL call last week one output of this session could be the identification of potential JSDL-WG work items or deliverables. * OGF/DMTF Register review Review of milestones and dates based on the draft posted by Ellen Stokes. ** Review of DSP0225 (URI & XML Schema) This document should be reviewed by both DAIS-WG and OGSA-WG since these were the groups requesting this work. Ellen will lead the review in OGSA-WG. AI-1030a: Ellen will contact the DAIS-WG chairs and request they arrange a review DSP0225 ** Review of DSP02300, DSP0227, and preliminary version for WSDM/CIM Fred Maciel and Ellen Stokes will lead the review in OGSA-WG *** Target dates and outcome Target date for both reviews is 1Q2007. Expected outcome: If there are any problems then report them back to the DMTF groups that produced these specs. Or accept them as is. These are all in the preliminary standard stage. They can still be changed before they go to Final. They have been issued recently (last Q) and should be in preliminary state for the next 6-9 months. AI-1030b: Ellen will check when the DMTF documents are expected to become Final. ** Submit the general container model It must first be published by OGF. The suggested date of Jan. 2007 seems to be too tight. - Agreed to changing the date to 1Q2007. ** Identify base set of grid resources The expected output here is analogous to that for the generalized container model, derived from the BES work. - This could be a new model or changes to existing models - XQuery work is also related to this item. For example, are there any changes to existing models to accomodate the matchmaking approach? - Alan raised the issue of spoofing attacks and whether there will be a suggested architectural approach to mitigate this risk. - For example, mechanisms to ensure that resources advertise themselves correctly; and detection of malicious or erroneous resource advertisement. Or how to make sure that resources really belong to a specific VO. - Joint work with the security team would be appropriate - From the point of view of security this may already be a solved problem (e.g., application of certificates and signatures to advertisements). The real issue is that existing approaches are not being put to practice because there is no architectural requirement. - Agreed to record this as an issue for the Information Modeling team, as part of the advertisement/consumption model - Agreed to discuss this issue as part of the security session at the F2F. ** Identify relationships and future requirements. Agreed that Ellen is the best person to lead work on these items. Both Tom Roney and Hiro volunteered to help out. ** Other discussion DMTF sees this work register as a periodic update. But a more fluid/continuous-engagement approach may be more appropriate. Minor corrections: - Mark Linesch is now OGF President - Ellen is now Management AD AI-1030c: Ellen will make the necessary revisions and then send the document to Mark Carlson (DMTF) for review * New teleconference timeslots - With the end of summer time, new timeslots start with this call: - Monday slot is optimized for US - Thursday slot is optimized for UK/Europe - No call is optimized for Japan - Hiro divides the topics as appropriately as possible to accomodate different participants requirements * Glossary discussion - e-Science: - Definition seems acceptable - This term is only used once in OGSA Arch 1.5, and perhaps it should be removed from future versions. It is here primarily because it is used by OGF. - Considered and rejected adding 'e-business' - It is also used once in OGSA Arch 1.5 and is too broad; also is not used in the OGF organization. - Enterprise and related terms - 'Enterprise computing' is not defined by EGA Glossary; 'enterprise applications' is defined instead. - Modified the definition from "business unit" to "organizational units" to make it more general - 'Enterprise' is also frequently (and casually) used in academic institutions, especially with the change from the older printer/user-accounting model to broader service-based offerings. - Is it worth trying to sub-classify enterprise computing as attempted here, or stay with a more general definition - Is it a goal to identify business use cases vs institutional ones - Agreed to change the sentence on "large organization" to emphasize instead the application of a consistent set of practises across the organization - Is it appropriate to continue referring to EGA Reference Model? Agreed to just refer to it as the Reference Model. - Should other enterprise-related terms be kept in the glossary? - Need more ex-EGA member participation to make decision on whether to delete or not. Jem will make necessary revisions. * Roadmap discussion - Chris Jordan has uploaded latest version of the Roadmap document. There are some open issues but it is coming close to completion. - Missing HPC Profile and HPC Use Case sections. Since there is no response from the authors drafts will be written up by the team. - Web service context needs review - Need more input for the DMI and Security Profile referenced specifications. - Sections 7 and 8 need Hiro's review. - Hiro has the pen at the moment - The next Roadmap call is scheduled for Nov.8 - Hiro will miss it since he is traveling on that day - The plan is to have a final draft ready by the OGSA F2F and start an official final call after the meeting.