OGSA-WG phone conference minutes ================================ 26 October 2006 Participants ============ Hiro Kishimoto, Fujitsu, Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Blair Dillaway, Microsoft Allan Sill, TTU Andrew Grimshaw, UoV Andreas Savva, Fujitsu Jem Treadwell, HP Mike Behrens, R2DD David Snelling, Fujitsu Early Discussion ================ - Michel Drescher has been appointed to take minutes. - Oct 23 telecon minutes have been approved without changes. - Action Item review (only changed AI are listed here) -- AI-1023a: CLOSED -- AI-1023e: CLOSED - Glossary discussion added to Oct 30 phone call Nov F2F update (OGSA-16) ======================== - 14 participants expected so far - proposed agenda not closed yet, time slot requests welcome OGSA-AuthN WG charter discussion ================================ - Blair sent a response to the initial charter draft sent by Alan -- Alan is working on the this response - Alan so far answered four of the famous "seven questions of GFSG" - Alan presents the answers to the questions -- Andrew points out that when documenting current practices, an outcome should be a set of recommendations -- The group discusses the potential list of output documents of this WG -- The group discusses whether it is in scope for this group to output a list of recommendations -- The group discusses the problem of delegation in secure Grid infrastructure - Hiro asks for contribution of people to review the charter and "7 questions" - The group discusses the management and propotion of the OGSA-AuthN BoF towards broader audience - D Snelling (as VP Standards) points out the different uses of the term "Recommendation" as part of -- a specification document Giving specific information of what must be implemented -- a community practice document Giving information about what has been used so far (and what hs proven good to use wnd what did not) -- a roadmap document Outlining the direction AuthN should go in Grids - The group discusses the general direction the OGSA-AuthN WG should go - The group discusses the next steps to undertake to get OGSA-AuthN through the OGF process Misc. Security discussion ------------------------- - Andrew expresses his concerns about the OGF Security area -- Andrew expresses that not only the current set of known and used technology should be tackledd, but also -- the "next round" of challenges and technologies that should or might be used in the future - Michael Behrens raises Globus proxy certs as an issue to explore further in AuthN and AuthZ -- Alan Sill points out that this technology, while being useful and popular, exposes the threat of complete anonymisation of services as users are able to create localised CAs. -- Alan also points out WRAP UP ======= - Next call coming Monday, Oct 30