OGSA Teleconference - 16 October 2006 ===================================== * Participants Alan Sill (TTU) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Jay Unger (IBM) Jem Treadwell (HP) Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Tom Roney (NCSA) Regrets: Paul Strong (eBay), Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Minutes: Michael Behrens * Summary of Actions (only items with updates are listed below): AI-1009d: Jem Will post tomorrow, comments received and will put into tracker. AI-1005a: Charter form created, ready for review. Hiro will send links to charters. Paper work for new working group needed - can use security design team folder in OGSA temporarily. Feedback: Use next OGF to start WG rather than form a BOF. Hiro will bring proposal to GFSG, since needs security Area Director approval & GFSG. * Minutes Approval - Minutes for Oct 2 Approved, without modification - Minutes for Oct 9 Approved, without modification * OGF/DMTF Work Register Review/Discussion Tom worked on new draft work register now posted on gridforge: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc13947 Content was examined and combined regarding work registers, including who's who, mission statement, goals, dates. Hiro asked about the EGA Ref. and CIM relationship. Suggest adding model/schedule. Ellen noted that she Will draft something on this. Hiro inquired about the Security group(s) needs to be looked at regarding SPAM. Tom indicated that the EGA is examining which groups are active for reorg (i.e. Utility WG is idle). Question was raised about CCDLM WG involvement with DMTF: Is CDDLM collaborating with DMTF? Tom explaned that there are complementary groups and they may not interact necessarilly. He suggests that a more specific deliniation in the document may be helpful. Consensus that the document is a "work" register, and not an historical document, so older material/groups need not be listed. Hiro inquired about the Grid User Services, should it be removed? Ellen general answer/guidance is that each working group that's listed indicates some resources/properties which may be needed to be modified based on the review process (examination of group charter and products). Once this is in place, then milestones/dates can be fully known. Ellen reviewed slides Current dmtf-ggf work register status answers.ppt: Notes/answers included in slides. One notable: WSDM/CIM and WS-MAN/CIM drafts are works in progress and versions are available. Work regisiter can be updated. Tom raised a question about Security/Auth-model which might have been left out of the interaction: The dropping of attributes from attribute certificates. Hiro suggested that this is security team work. If CIM model has semantics, then need to track security attribute (delegated) for storage services access model (current impl do not do this right). Hiro suggests that perhaps this belongs in charter of new WG or in design team. Tom will document this issue. Tom/Ellen agreed to review this topic again on the Oct 30th telecon call. * Nov. F2F meeting update Question raised whether or not a quarum is met for the F2F? Currently have 8 attendees (see wiki). Need to map out agenda vs topic to make sure right folks are present to ensure productivity & Participation. * Other Business: None.